Is This Love?

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I was in my deep breakdown, just felt like I surrender everything to what just happen and enjoying the flow. Just scrolling to my cellphone and there was a message from a boy. "Hi" who is Khiel Quintos, I scrolled his account and sure did he look someone I have a crush with back in elementary... is he an actor? But he look cute tho, I still ignore him. I don't need a man in my life and I don't believe in love. Love is bullshit.

I played some online games and this weird guy always following me in the game. "The fuck is wrong with this guy" he added me feeling close huh. I quit playing because I got piss out with this guy. "WEIRD" I check the clock and it's past midnight. I tuck myself in bed prayed and then after a moment my lids felt heavy and didn't realized I have fallen asleep. "LOOOVEE your gonna be discharge today" papa said he looks so cute "what's wrong baby is there something on my face" "No papa it's nothing".

On the way home my phone vibrate. "How are you" still this Nony guy, "You look so pretty" you didn't even saw my face Idiot " Why aren't you replying me"  Because your annoying, nony the annoying person, when does this man stop, even tho I ignore him he still chatted again and again and again aish. When I got home this man still annoyed me it's been 3 months since he chatted nonstop. Fine I'll give him a chance maybe he would stop chatting and annoying me.
"Omg am I dreaming" he gay
"Okay bye"
"No please stay am just joking" "How are you"
"Good still breathing"
"you're funny".... I didn't even said something funny the fuck is wrong with him.

It keep going I didn't even notice that we talk all night and it's morning already. A day turns to week turns to months we've been talking for a year and a half now. He became my best friend, yeah I just found out nony and Khiel is the same person, an annoying one.. but his funny we also Start video calling but he only show his forhead everytime WHAT WOULD I DO WITH YOUR FOREHEAD weird guy. He help me overcome my problems, and phobia but he doesn't know about my illnesses. He also confess that he has a crush on me on the day he saw my name, that's not even my real name IDIOT, but I allowed him to court me on the fifth month I knowed him, besides we have same vibes and he's caring, kind and fluffy hehehe. Heck no Isla stop it. After a month we already are dating. I gave him a chance, and I think it was a good decision, Khiel Martin Quintos who is two years older than me, undependent man working student, kind and the man of my dreams, am not alone anymore I have him even though we lived far from each other that we needed to take bus rides to see each other. We often see each other once in 3 months because he goes to school, and me? I stop going to school. He knows about it but he says it was alright that he would be the one to raise me AM I SOME KINF OF A RANDOM KID HUH!, but anyways he didn't even judge me, he was an understanding person, He was my definition of a perfect man. He loved me and I loved him but I still overthink because I lost the sense of and what it love meant, I know it was wrong but I can't control it, but I was glad he has patience, understanding and know how to handle me.

"Hub what do you want to eat" "You choose" "Street foods?" "Suree" we dated secretly because my dad is strict and we don't have jobs so we just dated in low price I was okay with it because we don't have money for dates and we are saving for something, dates should be about the bond and not about the money and expensive things. Papa went back to abroad to work for the last time for me and for our future's.

My dad have a good relationship with her new one and am happy with mine. We are on our 3rd year anniversary and still going strong and my hubby, he would graduate soon and start a business. I loved him to bits. I didn't know that thru online I would find my soulmate, the one that would understand me and loved me for who am I and not just because am pretty. I never thought internet love was a thing, there we're real people who want to commit with you. I was with my lover thicknesses and thin, we basically do everything together if not physically mentally, he was my safe zone my comfort, I never want him to leave, I want him to be permanently mine, Nothing else just mine. We are having the moment of our life when we are together bonded like there is no there is no tomorrow. I was just enjoying the flow of my life. I felt like I can do everything when I'm with him. I can conquer all the problems that would have us if I'm with him. If we are together everything is possible. I thought it would be happily ever after.

When that moment came everything in my world start to spin badly again. Would I still fight for love or this is the sign that love isn't for me, and nothing is meant to be mine. They would just come and go. They'll always leave.. Nothing is permanent in this world. Nothing is permanent for me.. The world is so unfair. Did I really not deserving to be loved or even gifted.

Give me time. Is love reality or fantasy or the world is just unfair.

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