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Liz acted like she was innocent. But her husband already have suspension and didn't even bother noticing her as she walk right pass him carrying lexi. Liz got devastated and act like she was the victim.

"Your dad really don't have manners do he. He saw us and didn't even notice me even lexi what are we ghost" Liz murmured while walking back and fort.

Gab didn't talk to Liz for 2 weeks because he knew about Lexi's situation, who the father is and what my mom did. When his quarantine was over, she looked at Lexi, there he found out that the kid look like my mom's thirdparty, but still he loved it as it's his own. Gab was the reason why lexi can walk and stand up on her own. They also go to road trips like we're happy family, He brought lexi some toys and new clothes and they basically did together as one, AS ONE HAPPY FAMILY.

Gabriel still have suspension that she still meet up with the third party guy. Gab decided to go to a place that can clear his mind. One day on the way home something happen.

"What you seriously didn't forgive me I already told you nothing is between us with that man he is just a co-worker" liz shouted. "Then why did he called you then" Gab ask "job related" "Really job related? Iloveyou job related liz are you out of your mind?" Gab still controlling his anger. "YOU KNOW WHAT STOP THE CAR OR I'll JUMP WITH LEXI ON ME" Liz shouted. "MAMA DADA STOP THIS PLEASE.." Isla beg while crying as she hold lexi and her mother purse to prevent it from jumping out of the car. "Fine fine I wouldn't mention that man's name again if we do you are free to walk out in our house" Gab said and it all went silent as it got closer to their house they decided to go to a mall near by to freshen up and to cool of everyone's anger. They went into arcades, eat go to a karaoke together like nothing happen.

After some time Isla's cousin ask for help on getting the money that has given her and Liz got home late. And they start arguing again. Still the same argument because of that man. The next day Liz is no where to be found. And Gab, Isla and Lexi was left in that house.

Isla got into a bad habit she starts to get drunk and party with friends because of there parents separation also Gab drunk all day and night his broken heart didn't want to move on, still Gab looked and search for Liz and all information about this guy until he found the deepest truth by himself. "Oh this woman.. yeah she lived on that apartment over there with this couple" the woman said "Do you know anything else?" Gab ask more he found out that his name was Ghan, she has a wife and childrens and there found out why honey Ghan is the excuse of Liz.

Gab still keep searching for Liz, until he gave up and put his heart into drinking alcohol and smoking. Isla was devastated to see his father in pain and crying it makes her heart in pain. Like it was strike by a sparrow straight deep into her heart. Isl is in her room crying because she accuse her self to be the one that ruined her family. She was depressed and don't want to go out of her room. She doesn't even want to sleep or eat or even take a bath. She was  devastated at her self, when Gab found about her daugter's condition, he put his all attention to Isl taking good care of it. There was time Isl and Lexi both have cold and they run to the hospital because Isl isn't waking up anymore. "HEEEELPPP DOOOC, NURSEEE HELPPP MY DAUGHTER PLEASE" as he run carrying Isla in his arms. "Please wait here" doctor said. "Lord God heal my child she's the only thing I have, don't take her away from me" he prayed hardly. "Good news, everything is okay she just have a shock but she is stable now am glad you bring her on time" Doc. Francisco said smiling, Gab nodded happily "Does she have past sickness or illness before?" Mr. Francisco ask "She has a weak heart and difficulty of breathing" Gab answered while wiping his tears. "Please tell her to be careful, she might get a heart failure, she can't handle too much happiness and sadness it must stay balance, If you excuse me" as the doctor went past him. Gab focus his self to family and friends specially Isla knowing her sickness might return. Gab was slowly healing but still it felt pain to see their wedding pictures and frames hangging on the wall with his old wife's smiling face. He tore it apart into pieces, burn the clothes and everything that belongs and remind him about Liz. He took good care of Lexi even if he knows it wasn't his, but still loved her as his own. It takes 1year for her father to find a new lover. Kristina Jade 25 yrs old still live at the exact place where Liz thirdparty lived. Weird right. Kris and Isla get along with each other. They do things together, road trip, food trip, karaoke and partying together. Gab was happy to see her daughter having fun with the girl he would love and what big improvement of his life is flowing trying to move forward and forgetting his painful past for her daughter and for his inner peace, Gab ask permission to her daughter if he was allowed to fall in love again, Isl agreed and didn't know what was about to happen but she knows her family cannot be saved anymore. "Isla I promise to give you a good life that you deserve you suffer so much my love always remember am always here to support and guide you in everything you do" Gab whisper while holding the hand of his daughter as he kiss her forehead goodnight.

"GAB give me my daughter back" Liz said angrily. "Take Lexi with you but you won't take Isla from me" Gab defended "Take her and don't ever come back cheater" Gab added. After a moment Isla woke up and was looking for her little sis but she couldn't find her. "Isla don't get too sad but Liz took lexi with her" Gab said his heart broke into pieces as he sees her daughter turn her back he know she was already crying Isla went inside her room and cried until she has fallen asleep.

She didn't expect in one agreement her life would change again and would have to go down the dark path again but much worst challenges that was waiting for her on the other side of the path.

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