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1 week preparation before our flight, we already prepare out tickets and baggage and all. We are excited after 4 years we are coming back home. I went here all by myself and I'm coming home with a husband. "Honey are you ready?" "Yes I am, am also very excited I got to meet your parents in person at last". We went back to our favorite spots for the last time, and told Dominic that they would start living at out house by tomorrow so they would be comfy if we would leave already. We enjoyed ourselves for the last one week we're staying here.

"Boss the building is done it just need to dry other cement and tiles that have just put" "Thanks Jeremy we would be there in a few days" he replied happily and ended the call, "Lucas is the paper already finished and approved?" "Yes boss we just need to find some employee, are we gonna hire people with experience and a-" " Yes we do need with some experience but if that people knew about security and just the right person that we've been looking for we can hire them even if they are not a college graduate with a degree, we will talk about it when we got there okay, Bye" Deym I just fall in love harder, he's so kind but he's so busy tho so we didn't have our alone time and I respect that. "HUBBYYYY I make you breakfast" "Okay just put it there I'll eat it later" later? is he not gonna eat it, the food would be cold, my expression changed so fast "o-oh okay I'll leave it here" I put the food on his desk and turn to leave when he pulled me to sit in his lap "Honey don't be upset I just need to pass this but fine I'll eat it with you prepare food on the table we will eat together okay?" and then he kissed my forhead. I was stunned but I like it I took the plate happily and prepare plates on the table so we can eat.

We added more "pasalubong" for them, perfumes, bags, clothes, shoes and toys. I would loved to see there happy faces when they receive the gifts I prepared for them.  I very nervous because I got to meet his parents for the first time, I didn't even know how to Start, or talk, I might just ended up sitting there like am kinda sort of an angel that was needed to be sent there to watch them over.

"Hubby don't forget to put the alarm to 2am or else we'll be late to our flight" I said while putting skincare on my face "Yes ma'am" he replied while arranging the bed. After I'm done I turn off the lights and sat down on the other edge of the bed turn the night lamp of and was ready to go to sleep. I woke up at the sound of the alarm and this man beside me still sleeps like he didn't hear the alarm been going on for ages. I just took a bath and get ready when I look at the time 2:40am. "Honey wake up get ready already we'll be late at the airport" after 10 minutes of trying he did wake up, gladly he wouldn't take too long to get ready, while he got ready I book a cab so that it would arrive the minute he is already done. We waited outside, I left the key of the house to Psalm and the cars to Dominic, after two minutes the cab arrive and we reach the airport in no time.

I just remeber, I advance the clock for two hours so here we are one hour and thirty minutes early for our flight. I'm so dumb, he just continued sleeping like he was at home and I roamed around because the airport was huge I wanted to explore at the same time to look for food because I am hungry, and I'm carrying the love of my life, we must not starve, so am looking for food. I found some pancakes with Nutella, and some fruit ice cream cake thing I bought it and start walking to our spot, when I realised something, I-I'm lost.

Khiel's P.O.V

She waked me up so early, if I just know we where that early, I shouldn't have let the bed. I'm still sleepy and Isla look for food because we are both hungry, I just continued sleeping

It's been so long since she left, she hasn't arrive yet? I tried to call her when I heared his phone buzzed beside me. Yeah great, I looked at the time and saw, it has been one hour since she left to look for food, I grabbed all our thing and start looking for her, I don't care if this airport is huge, I had to find my wife, she isn't good at directions, I forgot about it.

I looked every food stalls and she wasn't there I went at the very edge, the last stall she wasn't there also when I heared a muffling voice some kind of a woman crying while eating I followed the voice and I saw Isla at the back of the pillar near the window crying while eating her pancake, this little human is driving me crazy, I carried her back to the spot with out things, we only have five minutes before our flight is boarding, luckily we just reached there in time. We looked for our sit and this little baby still carrying her pancake, and I remember I left my coat there it bas my initials on it I hope I would get it back but it was impossible. The flight is boarding and we would arrive at the Philippines in 13 hours, I just wanted to sleep.

I slept until we almost reached Philippines, before we left we told my parents that we would arrive at the Philippines at 4:30 pm so that they would know. I saw here sleeping at the window so I took her and let her sleep at my shoulder, she moved and hug me after a while when we landed I woked her up and she's so cute that I wanted to fuck her in that minute. We we're told to exit the airplane and we got our luggage and my wife still is sleep napping at the coach waiting for our luggage to come out.

We got our luggage and went outside the airport and saw my fa- no our family waiting outside. Her face shines like a star, we "mano" to our parents and then we got home safe and when we reached home we went to my old room and we sleep because of the long flight and my body hurts from all the running with the luggage with me. Isla is also sleeping beside me I hugged her and whisper "Welcome Home Honey" we kissed and fuck, yeah sure my body hurts but I can't say no to the blessings.

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