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We were happy about the news but having triplets is WHOOOOOOO am not ready for it... it still hasn't sunken down on my thoughts.

I really had a bad dream one night, nightmare I guess it was terrifying. A member of our family would die. I prayed to God that, hoping it wouldn't come true. Now it's been weeks since that night, so I think that the curse was broken. We are now 1 month to go, before I go to labour, our little babies would see the world with us and we would see them. I can touch them, kiss them, be there when they grow up and many more. Everything excites me thinking my due date is near, but at the same time am scared. I heard labour was so painful, so I guess goodluck to me.

In a few days we would baby shop am excited. I didn't shop early because I want hubby would be there with me. I want to go shopping with the father of my babies, but he has been busy for this past few months, that would end by this week so I would just wait for him.

I am not alone in our apartment, because Khiel hired someone. He hired her for extra hands around the house. Because I can't afford to do household chores alone.

I am really craving for something today,  but Eunice bought groceries and she left her phone at home, and khiel wouldn't be home until tomorrow, but I want that food now. I would cry all day if I couldn't have it so, I decided to go out and bought it myself. It just right around some blocks. I took a bath and change my clothes and locked the house because Euince have spare key so it would just be fine.

I start walking while rubbing my tummy, just excited that I can eat that would am dying for. "HELLO MA'AM welcome to our shop what can I do for you?" "Can I have you combo meal with cucumber juice, and bbq flavor fries please" "take out or dine in?" "Take out please" "Okay ma'am just wait here your food would be server later" I sat back at the chair, when my tummy starts hurting. The attendant saw it because she accompanied me. "Ma'am are you alright?" "Yes I am my tummy just hurts would it take long?" "Yes ma'am but I'll be with you if you need help... can I sit?" "Yeah sure". She looks friendly. "9 months?" She asked "No 8 months" I replied, she look suprised "Oh am having triplets so my tummy is humongous" I added "oh that's why? Do you live around here?" "Yeah just right around some blocks" "I'm Aliah Ramos by the way" " Isla... Isla Quintos" we shake hands. "well if you excuse me, your order is done I'm gonna prepare it for you okay" I nodded. That was the last thing I remembered


I prepared miss Isla's order but when I got back to give it to her it was a mess, "Here Ma... MAAAAA'AAAM" I dropped the food when I saw miss Isla's bloody body. "ERRREECK CALL 911" "Why what happe- OMYYYGHAAAD". Luckily they reach the hospital in the right moment. "Nurse would she be okay?" "We will try our best okay". Someone is calling her maybe her husband, it just a red heart. "HON WHERE ARE YOU, I looked everywhere for you" the man said "HELLO" I replied "WHO IS THIS AND WHY ARE YOU THE ONE HOLDING MY WIFE'S PHONE" the man replied angrily  "Oh Mr. Quintos your wife is at the hospital, we saw her bloody body at the floor of our shop so we rush her in the hospital" I nervously replied "WHICH HOSPITAL".


The world freeze when I heard the word hospital and my wife's bloody body. I rushed at the exact hospital as fast as I can even if I'm still waiting for my last client, but my wife and kids are much important to that.

"Hello are you Mr. Quintos, I am Aliah your wife still at the O.R the haven't hot out yet" the woman introduced herself and explain what have happen. After few 20 minutes that felt forever one doctor came out "are you relatives of the patient?" "I am her husband" "sorry to hear sir but all of your kids died the girl survive but only for 15 minutes and your still asleep". My world shutsdown, I felt my tears runs down my face. Who the fuck did his to my family. I make a phone call "James move some people, you need to investigate, my wife's accident, find that person and bring him or her TO ME" as I ended the call I was in rage I wanted to kill that person when I saw that face.

It's been a month since Isla's accident and she is still fast asleep. I visit her everyday and bought her flowers. Am still at grief of my child death, but I should focus on Isla first. I got a call from James "Hello sir We found hi-" "Kill him and dispatch the body where no one would know, make sure your work is clear or I'll kill you myself" "Yes boss". "Khiel, is that you" I heared my wife's voice I cried from happiness. "Yes my love" "where is my babies" "they are all angels my love" "What do you mean?" "They died" I was hurt to see her hurt "is it because of me" "No love don't blame yourself what's important is your safe okay we can make another pa-" she slap me before I finish my sentence "IDIOT" she yelled. "It was just a joke so you would smile Smileee loveee" I can't bare to see her like that.
After a few days we got discharge at the hospital but still my old Isla still not have return. Its a pain to see her cry and blame herself everytime she remember our angels. I must need to be tough for us. Even though it breaks my heart to see her not as active, joyfully and silly as before now she just cry and lock her self in our room. I always checked on her to make sure she's safe and sound.

I would never let this thing happen EVER AGAIN. NO ONE Mess with my family.

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