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It's been a year since the incident happened, and we are now happy, just how it was before. We bonded with the kids and he is now working at home again, and for Lucas, we have no contact with him, and I hope that stays that way all the time so that our life would be peaceful. Khiel promised if he would have a problem with work and all, he would tell me first, and even the illegal business, I allowed him but with emergency cases only, and with my permission, so that I would know, not like before. He's sweeter than before, maybe he's making up for what he did. We never mention to anyone else, what happened.

I notice something strange because we are now very active. So I went in for a check and my guts never failed me, am pregnant. I plan on surprising him, I prepared a surprise, and I kept my pregnancy to myself for 4 days until the customized shirt is here. When the shirt, arrived I waited for him to be out just in a few hours. "Honey can you do some groceries, am out of pads" I shouted because he was stairs "Yeaah sure, is that all?" he shouted back but I heard his voice getting closer "I also want donuts and chicken love" I requested I was shocked to see him at the door "Is that all?" he leaned at the door, this man is so fucking hot "look at the fridge if the kids' snack is almost out, pick some too okay?" I added "Sure" he took the keys and left.

That was close, I prepared the surprise, and I stick the notes at the door for the first clue, it was like playing treasure haunting, and the treasure would be the customized shirt that has "See you soon Daddy" It was hard doing it alone so I let 2 nannies on taking Paul and Paula, and the other nanny help me on the surprised. Khiel would be back in 2hrs so we must be quick. The prep is almost done just one last step, when I heard the gates open. Khiel got home early, I left the work to the nanny hoping she wouldn't mess up, and distract Khiel for a few minutes outside. "Hello Honeey your back early, did you get me the food?" I asked "Yeah I also bought you gummies your fav," he said "Can we go inside now it's hot outside" I blocked his way and he seems shocked "Are you not gonna give me a hug I went outside just for you to hug me" It's the only thing I think of "awww Sure love come here," I think that would be not enough so I pulled him in for a kiss. The neighbor can't see us because we have high walls so it's fine besides we have trees too and a fountain to block the way when someone would go in the gates. That should be it, "Okay Love, I prepared a special surprise for you" I hope Eunice finished the preparation. "sure what it is" he asked I got out of the way and there he saw the first sticky notes at the front door. He followed all the procedures and am getting excited as he got closer to the end.

As we reached close to the end, my heart is pounding with both nervousness and excitement. it was the last step, he open the box and saw the cute little upsie for the baby, he was confused for a while but he understand it after some time. "wait are you, LOVE ARE YOU PREGNANT" he got up and looked at me with a smile on his face and pure joy in his eyes. "Yes it's 4 months now and we are having Triplets" I replied with joy, 

We checked the babies, 5 months already and we found out we are having 2 boys and 1 girl. We still got back for our monthly check-up, to make sure the babies are safe. Our hearts are happy that our family is getting big, We told our family about the news, and they are happy for us also. Paula and Paula would be big brothers and sisters. We started to prepare a nursery for the triplets this nursery was when my twins used, so its quite dirty, the triplets would just be in the same room so it's easier for us, luckily we have many rooms spare in this house because Paul and Paula got their separate room because they decided to at the age of 4 they really are bossy. We also hired 3 more nannies for the triplets, it's not we can't take care of them, it's just an extra hand but we are still looking hoping we can find them soon. The room turns out so cute and we start buying new things because Paul and Paula's old things has been donated away, other people needed them anyways and Paul and Paula can't use them anymore, so we donated them. We need new things for the triplets, I enjoy shopping for new things and clothes. I decided to have a baby shower at month 9 with our prenatal photoshoot, we also have our prenatal photo shoot with the twins but it was just taken by out, so the triplets would, be photo shot by a photographer, the shooting is great the baby shower turns out to be successfully.

When the day of the labor came, normal delivery as always, but this is tiring 3 babies at a time, damn am glad I survived. My firstborn is Khienz Jones Quintos, my Second born is Khiel Joan Quintos, and my Third born is Khieanna Joanna Quintos. My babies are beautiful, the twins went to the hospital the next day, it's a private hospital so am fine with the twins coming here. "MAMA baby sister," Paula said it melted my heart when they are both happy to see their newborn siblings "Mama hold mama hold" Paul suggested. "okay sit straight at the chair dada would let you hold your siblings okay," I said? They quickly sat on the chair and reach their hand out, Khiel let them carry but he is still holding the baby just in case. My heart is filled with love when I saw my twins' faces happy for carrying their sibling "Kwottie baby dada" Paula said "Aywabyu wittle sister wittle bowadas" and they kiss their sibling's forehead.

When we got home twins really are a great help, it is okay we wouldn't hire more nannies having their big sis and big bro help a lot. "Mama mwilk for baby cying mama cying Paul shout while running at me. When I look at the sofa I saw Paula hush them, and they did stop when she patted them and sing them a lullaby, the same lullaby I sang to them. I am contented and happy with my family, and I never regretted marrying a man like him. 


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