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Thank you Xxxde23  for the idea😘.
I would not read this if I were you it's terrible🥶

Small gusts of wind hit me from time to time as I sit out in the open in the quad.

As Eugene sits across from me on the bench, explaining how bees communicate, I try my hardest to focus on him, but something else draws me away.

Someone else that is.

Across the quad is Enid leaning against a pillar and making out with her fugly, musty, crusty, buddusy stainkin snake headed bitch of a boyfriend.

I'd hate to admit it but since reaturing back to nevermore i have gained a very and i mean very strong liking to the very bright and courful wearwolf also known as my roommate. I have tried desperately to get rid of these feelings that I feel towards the girl. However, every time I am near her I can't help but feel like I am out of breath and drawn towards her.

But watching her and that stupid boy swap saliva and be all touchy every second they are together makes my heart break and not in an enjoyable way that is.

"Wednesday are you even listening?" Eugene says pulling me out of my trance

"I appoligie Eugene but I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow" I said quickly making my way towards the dorm.

I don't know why I just randomly got up and left but the pain in my heart from watching those two left me no choice.

As I enter the dorm, I can't help but feel a stinging sensation in my throat.

Am I getting sick?

Nah, it must be the fact that Xavier's ugly ass has somehow managed to get into the dorm.

"hey Wednesday you okay?"

"Why are you here?" I ask coldly before walking over to my typewriter

"Well I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"You've got 2 minutes."

"Okay but you can't be mad when I ask you okay?"

"Hurry up you're cutting into my writing time"

"Are you gay?" He asked fidgeting with his hand

"I'm not a guy Xavier" I respond looking at him over my shoulder

"I know you're not. What I mean is do you like girls?"

"Get out"

"What? Why? You said you wouldn't get mad!" He said crossing his arms

"Yeah but you're cutting into my writing time. Out." I said gesturing for him to leave

"Whatever I already knew you were going to be in denial about this" he said walking out of the dorm.

I'm just choosing to pretend I didn't hear what he said and get on with my writing because he is incredibly annoying. I was relieved when he walked out, and I was able to focus on my writing again. I was determined to finish my novel before the deadline.


As I'm lying in bed I can't help but let my mind run back to what Xavier had asked me this morning. It was a simple question, but it had a profound impact on me.

Do I like girls?


I'm still in denial.

As soon as I feel the urge to throw up, I'm rushed out of my thoughts. I better not be sick and if I am I'm blaming it on Enid because she keeps bringing her musty boyfriend over. I can't stand the smell he brings with him. It's definitely the cheap body spray he drowns himself in every morning.

Good thing she's at his place this time.

When I feel nauseated, I immediately get up and make my way to the bathroom. Despite my best efforts, I fail to reach the bathroom on time and end up throwing up on the ground.

While breathing, I am experiencing sharp pains in my lungs.

When I open my eyes I'm not met with vomit I'm met with...flower petals?

What. The. Fuck.

I pick one of the flower petals up inspecting it as I walk towards my desk.

Why does it smell good? I try to identify the scent coming from the flower petal, but I can't place it. I take a deep breath, savoring the pleasant aroma as I sit down at my desk.

While inspecting it I now feel a sharp pain in my heart causing me to lean over.

When I try to call thing for help, the only thing that comes out is a rough dry cough and flower petals.



It's been 1 month since the flower thing started, but it's still happening almost every day.

Almost every day I'm met with lung and heart pain and flower petals coming out of my mouth.

Me and thing spent most of our time in the dorm researching. We found out that it's a disease and I'm most likely going to die from it because it's obvious Enid will never like me back.

Yesterday I found out I have now entered the final stages of the disease.

"Wednesday I'm going out on a date with Ajax. I'll be back by 9!" Enid told her before leaving.

Enid and Ajax have been hanging out a lot more recently.

I always see them around school together either making out or holding hands.

My heart breaks every time I see Enid with him.

It hurts to know that the girl I'm deeply in love with will never be able to return the feeling.

I should've known better than to let my feelings for the girl run wild when she was around.

The way she smiled and laughed made my heart jump. Her eyes were beautiful. I could get lost in them if it weren't for thing pinching me every time I can't seem to look away.

As I'm thinking, I cough again, but it's not petals, but a whole flower.

To be honest, I think dying would be great, especially since I would not have to suffer from Enid not feeling the same way about me.


I lay flat on the floor with my right arm under my head as I stare at the ceiling.

It's been I think 5 weeks?

Enid is over at Yoko's.

The pain has gotten to the point where I'm actually tearing up.

I sat up when feeling a sharp pain in my lungs again.

I cough and am not able to stop. Flowing from my mouth are blood and flowers. I desperately gasp for air, but I can't seem to fill my lungs.

As I try to breathe I end up choking on the blood and flowers. The pain in my lungs increases intensely and my eyes fill with tears. I feel my strength leaving me, and I know I won't survive this.

Every second of this is incredibly painful.

None of this would've happened if I hadn't fallen for the stupid bright colorful wearwolf. I should have known better. I should have listened to my intuition and stayed away. Now I'm paying the price for my mistake.

My eyes began to close as I suffocated. I felt my life slipping away as I lay there helplessly as flowers poured out of my mouth.

I can hear thing beside me tapping frantically on the cold wooden floor under me.

I am soon surrounded by large flowers that soon grow out of my mouth and block my breathing completely.

My eyes close for the last time, engulfing me into the darkness. I am no longer able to move, and I slowly drift away from the world. As my life fades away, I feel a sense of peace and acceptance wash over me.

1304 words
This is the worst one I've ever done honestly😣
I hope yall enjoy it though even if it looks like a 2nd grader wrote it
Happy late gay month yall😽

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