what? last part

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I missed the dorm but I did not like being alone.

Yoko is in the dorm with me right now and so is Divina. Divina apologized to me a day ago which makes sense because she is in fact Yoko's girlfriend but I did accept her apology just like I did with Yoko's but I just never told them I did.

"I talked to Enid the other day to see if she could tell me what you did cause even I don't know. She told me that she caught you sneaking out at night after you promised you wouldn't anymore but I don't think that's everything you did " Yoko said

"Oh" she remembers why she snuck out that night

"Why did you sneak out? Were you investigating?" Divina asked


"Then why'd you sneak out?" Yoko asked

"Cause...cause I needed some space alone" she said looking away

"It's okay to take time to yourself. Needing time alone dosent make you a terrible person" Divina said softly

"But... I didn't take Enid into thought"

"Did you though?" Divina asked

"Apparently not, she left."


I've stopped attending classes so I wouldn't be able to communicate with Enid. Every time I saw her looking at me she had anger in her eyes. I needed to keep myself safe just in case.

Yoko and Divina would bring me my homework and lunch, which I couldn't be more thankful for. They even started to eat with me and hang out with me more.

But the fact that she had a concussion didn't make anything easier. She would randomly get dizzy at moments making it incredibly difficult to walk up the stairs leading to her dorm.

As the door slammed against the wall loudly, she snapped out her thoughts.

It was Enid.

She was fuming. It's almost like I could see smoke coming out of her ears.

What was she so angry for?

She stomped towards me. Yoko and Divina behind her a worry look on their faces.

"Where is he!?" Enid yelled in her face loudly

"Enid stop!" Yoko shouted

"Where's who?" She asked bored already

"Thing. Where is he?"

"Why should I know he's the one that left with you?"

"Jeez Wednesday do you not know anything?" She shouted, her claws coming out.

"No! I don't. That's why I still don't know why you fucking left!" Tears filled her eyes.

She tried to stay strong, her voice shaking slightly. "I just don't understand why," she said finally. "Why did you have to go?"

"I left because you broke our promise!"

"I... I just needed some alone time that's why I left"

Silence filled the room.

"Why... didn't you tell me?"

"Because... I didn't want you to think I was weak" a tear ran down her cheek

"Oh Wednesday" Enid pulled her into a tight hug

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she said crying softly in her arms

"No, I'm sorry I couldn't make you feel like you could tell me this type of stuff"

"Yall really had a big ass fight over that?" Yoko said

"Yoko shut up" Divina said nudging her

"Yes ma'am."


Enid finally moved back into the dorm and so did thing who was just out on a moisturizer run.

Everyone started speaking to her again.

She was glad everything was back to normal....

She launched herself up from the bed gasping for air.

Where was she?

"Wednesday! I'm so glad you're awake" Enid said launching herself onto her crying softly.

She was in the hospital?

Then it all came back to her.

The last thing she remembered was getting stabbed by crackstone.

She was in a coma.

Everything that had happened was in her mind.

She was never with Enid.

I was never awake

680 words
I will be taking any requests or ideas yall have so if you got any please let me know cause with having no ideas I'm slowly going insane🤗

Im sorry this one sucks but I had to end it here cause I had no idea where it was going

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