what? pt.3

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There was one window in the room and a overly bright light in the middle of the room which was currently making her pounding headache worse.

She hadn't slept the entire time she had been here. She didn't really know how long she had been here but she thinks maybe about half the day.

She tried to keep her eyes open but the blaring light made it extremely difficult. Even with her eyes closed the light shined brightly through her eyelids.

Her head was hurting so severely that at this point she would not mind letting out some tears from the pain.
She'd thought about getting up to turn the light off. However, every time she would open her eyes a bit her stomach felt woozy and she felt like everything around her was slowly moving.
She didn't know what time it currently was of how long she had exactly been here. She felt like she had been pushed away from the world around her.

The bed was scratchy and uncomfortable.

The strong smell of cleaning products and the buzzing of the light above her made her headache seemingly worse.

The room was quiet (except for the buzzing of the light).

She no longer liked the quiet.

The quiet made it easier for her to think.

And remember.

"You know what Wednesday? If you like being alone so much, be alone!"

Enid yelled angrily as she marched out of the room with her suitcase and duffel bag behind her before loudly shutting the room.

The first fight between her and Enid left her broken and she always wished it would never happen again but wishes aren't always granted.

She was alone.

And she absolutely hated it.


Soon she started getting used to the bright light above her and her headache was slightly better than before which she was grateful for.

Hours passed as she watched the bright blue sky outside turn orange with a mix of pink.

The colors reminded her of one of Enid's favorite sweaters.

She was lost in her thoughts till she heard a knock on the door
before it opened up revealing Yoko.

What was she doing here?

"Hey Wednesday... how are you feeling?" Yoko asked as she awkwardly sat down in one of the chairs beside her bed.

"I'm fine" she responded coldly

"I'm so sorry I stopped speaking to you" guilt washed over her eyes

"Why?" She asked quietly knowing if she spoke any louder her voice would give up on her

Yoko took a deep breath before explaining "when Enid walked into the door crying I went to comfort her and once she started giving little pieces of what happened at your dorm I immediately assumed it was your fault which was wrong and I'm sorry for how the others treated you as well"

"I was certain I had finally found a group of people who, even if they didn't understand me, at least respect me. And I finally thought I found a group that liked me. God, I even thought that Enid had truly loved me; a strange, difficult person. But no, in one day you were all wiped out in an instant. And... and I gave Enid time to cool down so when she was no longer mad, we could talk... and I could finally fix whatever I had done wrong but that day never came. And the harrowing thing is that I couldn't even go apologize to her because I didn't even know what I did wrong. Nobody would tell me what I had done. I tried to talk to you all but you guys would actively ignore me when I tried to speak to you. All of you did." She said as tears slowly ran down her cheeks.

"Look Wednesday, I am sorry. I know we hurt you."

"Do you though? Do you really know how bad you hurt me? Do you understand? Because I'm not sure you do. All the pain you guys caused me I didn't even know I could feel till I finally did" she said tensely through her teeth. She leaned her head onto her pillow tightly closing her eyes hoping to stop the tears that were
still running down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry I really am.... do you want me to go?" Yoko asked as she began to get up from her seat

"Don't go" she said quietly enough for Yoko to hear

"Don't worry I won't go unless you want me to" Yoko said sitting back down, somewhat surprised Wednesday had asked her to stay.

"What time is it?" she asked looking over at the vampire

"Um last time I checked it was 8pm which was about twenty minutes ago"

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem."

The room was soon filled with comforting silence.

The silence Wednesday truly enjoyed.

She'd hate to admit it but she missed having someone by her side even if they hurt her.

"Do you want to join me on this uncomfortable bed?" She asked looking over at the vampire.

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to hurt you or anything"

"It's fine I'm sure you won't hurt me" she said patting a spot beside her

"Thanks because I didn't know if I could sit on that hard ass chair any longer" Yoko said sitting next to her

"No problem, those chairs gave one of my uncle's terrible back problems and I'm sure you wouldn't want that to happen to you"


Time skip: 2 days later

I'm terribly happy to say that it feels great to be back in the dorm.

I missed my bed.

I miss Enid.

I also noticed that Enid's side of the room was completely empty.... that's okay.

I wouldn't want to share a room with someone who doesn't even know where they went wrong.

I'm a horrible girlfriend.

Was a horrible girlfriend.

It's all my fault that I caused Enid to move out.

It's all my fault on why we broke up.

Everything is always my fault.

I always mess everything up.

I can never do anything right.

1062 words
I'm sorry this one is absolutely terrible🤧
I will make a pt 4 if yall want but please give me a few days cause I have been having like the worst headaches😭🙏🏼

Anyway just remember that I love you guys😘

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