The Shooting

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⚠️ as you can see from the title this is about a school shooting so if you can't handle this type of stuff please don't read it🙏🏼😭

Thank you @Xxxde23 for the wonderful idea😘


I can't help but tear up when I think about what had happened that day. It was supposed to be one of the best days of our lives, but sometimes the world isn't as fair as we think it is.

We were in math class. The class you always told me you hated but you were still successful at it. You were sat at the front of the classroom almost falling asleep to the useless information we were hearing.

It wasn't long before we heard something that we all dreaded.

Gun shots.

The sound of a gun being fired echoed through the hallway. Screaming could be heard for a couple of seconds before gunshots and silence broke out.

My body froze at the sounds of silence before more shots were heard. Everyone in the class froze in fear including you.

Soon the room erupted into chaos when everyone got hit with the realization on what was happening.

"Get down... get down boys help me flip all the tables" the teacher said quietly but quickly hoping not to bring any attention to the shooter who was roaming the halls. The teacher stood up from his desk and locked the door making sure to also close the blinds and turn the lights off.

All the boys stood up to help and at this time I didn't bother to think about how sexist that sentence was because I was currently shitting my pants.

The teacher peaked through the blinds and from his facial expression I knew this wasn't good. All color was leached from his face and his eyes were wide open in fear.

"Everyone get in the corner and grab your textbook to protect yourselves" the teacher said with fear in his voice

I quickly grabbed Wednesday's hand and dragged her into the corner of the room out of view from the door. We sat down squished between a bunch of other students who were either crying or texting their parents or doing both. The teacher got behind his desk and called 9-1-1.

I looked over at Wednesday who was shaking in fear. Though her face was in its normal blank stare you could tell from her eyes that she was terrified.

More shots and screams could be heard from around the school.

Tears began to fill up my eyes. Today was me and Wednesday's first year anniversary, and we were going on a date. A fancy one that had the perfect view of the sunset.

"You okay?" Wednesday asked me quietly, tears threatening to fall at any second from her dark brown eyes.

"Yeah" I was one hundred percent not okay.

Everything was quiet. It was so quiet that I swear I could hear crickets. I thought everything was finally over.

Until I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the loud banging at the door from the classroom right next to us. Shots were fired once again. Then I heard the door slam against the wall as screams erupted once again. More shots were fired as the screaming started to die down. Soon everything was quiet again. No shots. No screaming.

Knowing what was going to happen next almost everyone broke out into a quiet sob.

"Fuck.." I muttered under my breath. I grabbed Wednesday's trembling hand tightly knowing this would probably be my last time doing it.

Loud foot steps could be heard.

"I love you so much Wednesday" I said as tears ran down my face

Sirens could now be heard in the distance.

"I love you too Enid, so fucking much that I'm sorry I couldn't express it. You know how terrible I am with feelings" Wednesday said as tears rapidly ran down her face as a small reassuring smile landed on her lips.

The classroom door handle started to shake. The shooter banged on the door before he finally shot the lock and slammed the door open. The shooter stepped further more into the classroom.

I brought the text book up to protect myself hoping it would do something. As I brought the text book up I recognized the shooter. It was Tyler. He was a social outcast meaning nobody really talked to him but he was also bullied relentlessly because of his weird obsession with Wednesday.

He shot the gun once more, causing screams to fill the silence that had been filled up in the school. The smell of copper soon filled in the air around me.

A loud group of pounding footsteps could be heard from the hallway.

"PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Yelled one of the SWAT members before shots were heard again.

Soon a thud was heard and Tyler was on the ground bleeding. I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

I looked around the room and myself to make sure I was all right before looking over at Wednesday.

She was slumped up against the wall with her eyes scrunched up from pain. I looked over to where she had her other hand.

Her hand was pressed against her chest where two dark circles sat. Blood poured out of them. Her eyes were barely open as tears ran down her cheeks.


I looked up at the sky. That wasn't blue but grey. Your favorite type of weather. I couldn't tell if it was the rain or the tears that were rapidly running down my cheeks. However, I'm willing to guess it's my tears. I watch as they slowly fill the hole you were in with dirt.

I know you're gone but death ends a life, not a relationship. I'll always love you.

987 words
Sorry this ones ass but hey I tried🤷‍♀️

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