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You ask and you shall receive 😋 idk_butitsokay_

I know it's not what you asked for but this is literally all I could think of sorry😭

My writing is gradually becoming worser


"You're in high-school and you still haven't wolfed out? Jeez Enid what's wrong with you?" Her mother snarled angrily

"I-I don't know" she said backing up into the wall behind her more tears frantically running down her face

"I'm sorry" she said almost in a whisper

"You better be sorry cause your grandparents were right when they called you a mistake when I first had you" her mom spat

She hung her head in shame, tears streaming down her face.

"Nobody and I mean no one will ever love you!"

I sat up from my bed my heart trying to beat out of my chest at this point. I was drenched in sweat my head pounding ever so slightly. I felt tears slipping down my cheeks as I tried steadying my breathing. I knew I was having a panic attack, and I knew I needed to calm down. Gradually, I felt my heart rate return to normal and the tears stopped flowing.

This wasn't the first time that this has happened.


I closed my eyes before inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly but shakily.

You're okay.

I open my eyes and try to put my focus on something else to help me calm down.

I looked around noticing the moon's light shining through the circled window in the middle of the room. The only source of light at the moment.

I watched the dust particles floating in the air as the moonlight shone on them.

I'm okay.

I felt a sudden weight on my arm.

I looked over to see Wednesday hugging my arm as she slept peacefully. I smiled and gently brushed her hair away from her face. I was glad that she felt comfortable enough to doze off so easily around me.

But I'm totally blackmailing her about this later.

I bring my arm up to my face and wiped the tears that were left stranded.

I lay back down ignoring the fuzzy sensation in the arm Wednesday gripped onto. I closed my eyes and tried to drift away, yet my thoughts kept racing.

I lied awake staring up at the ceiling no longer able to fall back asleep.

I was tired. But my mind wouldn't let me fall back asleep.

I felt myself yawn over and over again. Tears now running down my face from exhaustion.

I am just so tired.


I sat down on a bench while I waited for my coach to assign me my fencing partner.

I was too tired to stand. My head was pounding from lack of sleep. My eyes fought to stay open as every second passed.

"Enid are you alright?" Wednesday asked snapping her fingers in my face to catch my attention.

"Huh... yeah what's up?" I said rubbing my sleepy eyes

"Um we're partners" she said handing me my helmet

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