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Ask and you shall receive idk_butitsokay_

Sorry its bad my mind isn't working properly


As a result of the Hyde incident, the school, the students, and the environment changed both for the worse and for the better. But the biggest change I noticed was from you.

I hate to say this but I care for Enid and ever since that night I kept a close eye on her. I noticed the changes in her routine and in her work. But only one thing really stood out to me.

The way you act.

When I got back from break I wasn't met with a hug or a "Howdy roomie!" I was just met with a straight face and a nod. It made me feel like I wasn't welcome back. I thought you weren't happy to see me.

The days went on and more of your usual behaviors disappeared. I started to think that this didn't have anything to do with me. Something was wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. You were distant and no matter how many times I asked you, you wouldn't open up.

You no longer laughed while looking at your phone and you barely flashed a smile. You stopped going out with your friends and stopped engaging in conversations. You had no energy and no enthusiasm for anything. You were in a void, unable to escape.

You had lost your spark, the thing that made you you. You were stuck in a cycle of darkness and hopelessness, unable to break free.

I begged you to speak. I wanted you to be you again. I offered girls nights, movies, etc. Anything to make you regain that spark.

You refused all my offers and remained in your dark bubble. I'm losing hope that the old happy you will be returning. I'm struggling to understand why you won't let me in. I just want to help, but you keep pushing me away. I'm afraid that I'm going to lose you forever.

The Hyde incident changed all of us in a way but it changed you the most.

I miss the old happy annoying Enid. Though you're still here and alive your spirit isn't.

Please come back Enid.

423 words

Sorry its short but I've just been stressing for no reason at all and it's getting to me

Ya'll I got pe for 1st period😭 I was literally on my knees praying I would get it any other period but obviously im not important enough to be listened to🙄

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