I'm The Problem

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⚠️warning I think just so yall know

Here you go as requested sorry if it's not 100% on how you wanted it this is just the way I thought of it 🤞🏼😭soshi_93


It was cold and dark outside and rain was coming down faster than Xavier's mom leaving him.

Both girls stood in the middle of their dorm face to face.

"I'm sorry Enid but I can't be with you anymore" Wednesday said avoiding eye contact

"You're breaking up with me!? Why?" Enid asked, her face full of shock and sorrow

"I... can't tell you why but we need to break up" she tried her finest to keep her emotions from pouring out.

"We've been together for one whole year Wednesday!" She took a breath in and exhaled, "One whole fucking year! And you want to end it now?" Tears now clouded her vision.

Wednesday was silent.

With everything that happened with in the first year of her being here she knew she was the problem and she didn't want to risk getting Enid hurt.

And with Xavier constantly on her back she knew this was the only way to keep her Enid safe.

"So what you can't fucking talk now! Cause you were talking perfectly fine a second ago" Enid said as tears ran down her face.

The silence in the room was thicker than Kim Kardashian's ass.

"You know what Wednesday I'm so fucking tired of you acting like you can do whatever the hell you want" she paused before continuing "if you want to break up then fine because I never liked dating a psychotic bitch like you!" She looked at her, her eyes filled with anger and hurt. Wednesday remained silent, unable to find the words to respond.

"I should've listened to everyone when they told me all you wanted to do was get in my pants. Did I listen to them? No, I ignored them because I actually thought you loved me but they were right all along. I thought I knew you, but I was wrong. I was so naive and trusting. I should have known better."

"I..." she had something to say but it was stuck in her throat. Tears fell like they could spill out at any moment.

"Shut up Wednesday! Because everything you do and say just fucks up my life and everyone else's, so just shut the fuck up and get out!" Enid shouted pointing towards the door as tears and snot ran down her face. Enid was so frustrated at Wednesday's words and actions that she felt like she had to stand up for herself and those around her. Her emotions were boiling over and she was desperate to make Wednesday understand the consequences of their actions.

Wednesday knew that leaving was the only thing that would keep Enid safe so that's what she did.

As she made her way toward the gates of Nevermore she bumped into the boy she had told many times to leave her alone.

"Did you do it?" He asked spitting in her face as he spoke

"Yes now will you get out of my way"

"Why so you can mess up more people's lives? Yeah, how about no?"

"What do you want now?" She asked annoyed

"Hey woah that's no way to speak to your boyfriend"

"I'm not your boyfriend" she could hardly say the word without gagging

"Stop being so stubborn and kiss me" he said stepping closer to her

"Eww! What no!" She said walking back towards the school

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