Please Come Back

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"close my eyes, fantasize... three clicks and I'm home"

Wednesday sat in silence listening to the sound of waves crashing. Watching the sun set, she felt sand get between her fingers.

The sun reminded her of someone she loved dearly. Someone that she never got to confess her feelings to. Wednesday sighed, a sense of sadness enveloping her. She knew she would never get the chance to tell that person how she felt.

And watching the sun set in their favorite place was a way for her to feel close to them. Like they were really there. Wednesday felt a lump in her throat as the sun began to slowly disappear.

She started the routine of watching the sun set when she couldn't bear the silence and loneliness of the dorm she once shared with her best friend and former roommate. She had never felt so alone before and the sunset was the only thing that seemed to bring her some peace.

She didn't like the fact that nobody would no longer annoy her when it was her writing time.

She missed the soft gentle touches she would allow from time to time.

She missed the giggles and laughs that could be heard while the girl was on her phone.

And most of all she missed those bright blue eyes that she had trouble pulling away from.

Ms. Weems had suggested that she should get a new roommate but she refused not wanting anyone to take up Enid's space.

Though her side of the room was now covered in a layer of dust and left just the way she kept it. She didn't have the heart to take anything down. Not even the small picture Enid had of her smiling.

Sometimes she couldn't even bring herself to look at the other side of the room fearing she'd miss that bright smile she was met with every morning that secretly made her day better even if it had just started.

As the small gust of wind hit her with every wave she couldn't help but feel like something was missing. She knew what it was: the absence of the person whose presence made her days a little brighter. She closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh, missing the warmth of her presence more than ever.

There was a strong ache in her heart every time she thought about Enid.

She wished she could've saved Enid that night.

She wished she wasn't so stubborn and rude towards the girl.

She felt something roll down her face. Something she'd never felt before.


She looked at the sun once more before it fully disappeared.

Her vision blurred as more tears formed in her eyes as she tried her best to keep them in.

She let out a shaky breath wanting this to be over.

She wanted Enid to come back home.

She... needed Enid to come back.

And just like that she let out a quiet sob.

All of the pain and guilt that was built up and was kept hidden away from others was released.

The weight on her shoulders was lifted as she let everything out.

But the ache in her heart never faded away.

She sat there her head tucked into her knees not wanting anyone to dare see her so vulnerable.

As she cried quietly, footsteps could be heard walking towards her.

Wenclair Angst One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang