I need you pt.2

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I stayed over at Yoko's the night we fought. And I still am staying with her. However, I really do miss the dark grumpy girl that spent her day at her desk on her typewriter. I feel remorseful about what I said. I didn't mean it at all. I was just mad. I wanted to apologize but what if Wednesday didn't like me anymore? What if she thought I hated her?

"Just apologize to her already Enid I love you but I can't have you staying on my extra bed for the rest of the year especially since I can't get some privacy with Divina anymore" Yoko said as she walked into the room

"But what if she hates me?..." she said looking down

"The girl is obsessed with you why would she hate you?"

"Well maybe because I said we were over and that I was foolish to ever like her" she said looking up at Yoko.

"Okay.." Yoko said trying to think of an idea "what if you wait until tomorrow to talk to her since you gave her like a week of space so maybe she'll be more prepared to talk to you"

"She hasn't been going to any of her classes this week, Yoko"

"Oh right... well you could talk to her tomorrow after classes are done or if you're lucky maybe she'll go to class tomorrow"

"Yeah okay I'll talk to her tomorrow then, thanks Yoko"

"No problemo I'm just trying to get my favorite couple together that's all" Yoko said with a smile on her face.


The next day Yoko woke up extremely early just to have a talk with her favorite emo girl. She knew Wednesday would be up at this hour, even though the sun was barely rising. Once she made it to the dorm she knocked loudly just in case she wasn't actually awake.

"Go away Eugene!" Wednesday shouted from the other side of the door

"Does it sound like it's Eugene!" She shouted back

She could hear shuffling before the door was unlocked and swung open.

"Wow.. you look terrible" she said out loud

"What do you want?" Wednesday asked annoyed in her usual dead facial expression

"What's with the tone, who pissed in your fruity pebbles this morning?"

"I'm about to slam this door in your face if you don't hurry up."

"Okay, can I come in so we can talk?"

Wednesday did a long sigh before stepping over to the side allowing her to come in before shutting the door.

"What do you want?" she asked with the same tone and expression as earlier

"Look you need to return to your classes and talk to Enid"

"Why Enid said we were done... why would she want to see me in class?"

"Look she doesn't hate you one bit. Enid just said that stuff because she was mad and she wasn't thinking correctly so she didn't really mean anything she said"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, one hundo percent I'm right"

"I don't know..."

"Come on Wednesday! Stop being such a scaredy cat and talk to her. How much money do you want, because I'll pay you to talk to her again"

"Okay if I talk to her today will you just leave me alone?"

"You'll be attending to all your classes right?"

She replied, "Yes, will you please leave now" Wednesday said pushing her towards the door

"I'm going jeez! no need to rush me when I'm the one trying to get ya'll back together"

"You have three seconds" Wednesday threatened her sending her a deadly stare

"Okay I'm going just make sure to get all cleaned up cause you look like an old raggedy hobo" and with that she quickly left not wanting to be killed for what she said.


Wednesday actually came to class today and she looked breath taking but for what reason... hmm I don't know?

Thankfully knowing that Wednesday was safe the school day flew by way faster than it had gone when she wasn't here. As the bell rang I started making my way to our dorm, hoping she would be there, since I had left my key back in Yoko's room.

It was none other than Wednesday who was quick to open the door when she haphazardly knocked on it.

"What do you need?"

"I need to talk to you" she said walking in without Wednesday's approval

No problem, just walk in and make yourself at home" Wednesday muttered to herself quietly

"I'm so so sorry Wednesday I didn't mean what I said and I feel terrible for saying it" Enid said getting to the point not liking the distance between the two.

"I..." Wednesday kept her eyes glued to the floor under her

"Please Wednesday... I'm sorry I miss you and I want to be with you again"

"I don't know Enid... if I can't keep you happy and I'm hurting you you don't even think that I care about you. I don't think we're meant to be"

"It was just one fight Wednesday. I was just angry and I know you care about me and you're the only thing that really makes me feel happy. I'm sorry for what and not thinking before speaking just plea-" she stopped speaking when she heard a shaky exhale coming from Wednesday.

"Hey... you okay?"

Tears pattered down onto the floor of the dorm rapidly. Wednesday was crying?

"Wednesday look at me"

Wednesday shook her head no. The idea of Enid seeing her in this condition made her tremble, especially since she was crying. Being out of control and weepy was something she hated.

Enid walked up closer to her lifting her chin so she could meet her eyes.

"I-im sorry Enid. I'm sorry for being so selfish" she said quietly knowing her voice would fail her if she talked any louder. Her face was soaked in tears as she stared at the ocean blue eyes in front of her.

"It's okay Wednesday I don't care about the fight anymore all I care about is you" Enid said caressing Wednesday's cheek like it was the most valuable thing in the entire world.

"But I put you in a risk of getting hurt?"

"Yeah and you warned me when we first got together that you would put me at a risk of danger at some point and I accepted the risk. I knew what I was getting myself into. I was just worried you would get hurt and I took it overboard letting the moment take over me."

Wednesday stared at the beautiful blonde girl's lips only listening to part of what she was talking about. This is because she didn't care anymore because she had forgiven Enid the first time she apologized.

With a gentle kiss, she ended the conversation with the blonde girl. The blushing girl in front of her couldn't help but smile as they parted from the kiss.

"So does that mean you'll be my girlfriend again?"

"Yes, mi amor" she said before bringing the girl into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much" Enid told her as she returned the hug

"I missed you as well. Who knew I would actually miss your annoying voice?"

"I love you too Wednesday"

From the crack of the door, Yoko and Bianca watched happily smiling as their favorite couple reunited.

1253 words
Sorry its bad but I didn't really plan on doing a part 2 so I hope this is ok😭

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