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"It wasn't your fault."

My jaw was clenched tightly. White noise filling my ears as my hands become covered in a layer of sweat. I feel my nose sting as tears threatened to spill out. I take a deep breath and try to force my breathing back to normal.

"Don't be so hard on yourself."

My back was pushed against the wall. The big rounded split in half window above my head. My head was tucked into my knees. The room was dark. The only light source shining through the window. I could feel the coldness of the wall against my skin. I could hear my heart beating in my ears.

My parents' words flashed in my mind over and over again.

My heart ached at the thought of her. I missed her laughter, her stories, her voice. I longed to see her smile and hear her voice once more. I wanted to feel her presence again. I was determined to believe that she was still with me, even if it was just in spirit. I wanted to keep her alive in my heart.

The other half of the room was now empty. The room was silent. But I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to. I felt an emptiness that I could not fill. I wished I could see those ocean blue eyes again.

Without Enid my typewriter was now covered in a thick layer of dust. My cello was now just a forgotten instrument in the corner of the room gathering dust. I didn't want to play it anymore since she was no longer here. My motivation for my novel has also waned. Without annoying distractions I felt like I could no longer focus. I felt like I was in a state of limbo, unable to move forward. All I wanted was to be able to see her and hear her voice again. But I knew that was impossible.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember her laugh and her stories. I wanted to feel her presence in the room again, even if it was only for a moment.

I miss her.

I felt lost without her. Without her I had no purpose. I missed her, and the only thing I wanted to do was to have her back

I missed the fairy lights that hung on her side of the room that she never turned off ( she didn't know how to). I missed the annoying so called "music" she listened to. I missed her laugh that echoed through the room while she typed away on her phone. I missed the random conversations we had late at night.

Most of all I miss her color. Though it was bright and overwhelming, I loved it. And now that her side of the room was no longer full of color I felt the emptiness of her absence. The room had never seemed so dull and lifeless even with just me in here.

As much as I hate Ms. Thornhill, she was right about me caring for Enid. She truly did manage to bring a spark of warmth in me.

But I failed and now she's gone.

The new semester has been difficult without her; I can hardly focus on my classes. Everywhere I look, I'm reminded of her and the guilt I feel for not doing more to keep her safe. I can't help but feel like I failed her.


I did fail her.

If I would've gotten to her faster after she fought the hyde she would've been okay

But I was too late.

I remember the sight of her lying limp on the ground unresponsive in a puddle of her own blood. I remember dropping to my knees, desperately trying to save her as the aroma of copper filled my nose.

The scene flashes in my mind daily. I remember the way her eyes stared blankly at the sky, and how I screamed her name until my throat felt raw. I remember turning away, unable to look at her lifeless body any longer.

I still hear her voice in my head, and in my dreams I see her again, alive and full of life. But when I wake up, reality hits me like a ton of bricks. She is gone and she will never come back.

My breathing becomes shallow and my heart rate increases. I desperately try to push the image away, but it lingers in my thoughts.

I feel tears streaming down my face. I struggle to take deep breaths, but I can't seem to calm down. My body is shaking and I can't seem to control it. I close my eyes and rest my head on the window above me. I feel overwhelmed, wishing I could erase what I was feeling.

I'm so sorry Enid.

838 words

Yall I've been having terrible headaches I think I'm dying😭
I start school on the 16th someone save me🙏🏼😔
I haven't even gotten my schedule yet imma kms🥲

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