Failed Her

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I sat on my bed with my head tucked into my knees. My face was covered in tears. I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I felt like I was suffocating. I had no idea how to make sense of what was happening and the only thing I could do was cry. I was so lost and alone.

Outside, the rain sounded louder then when Xaviers mom slammed the door when she left him.

I wanted to scream and break something, to let out all the anger and hurt that was overwhelming me. But I just stayed there, silently, letting the tears fall and the rain outside become my only companion. I was helpless, and I felt like I was drowning.

I don't normally cry. I never cry. But knowing that my light would no longer shine left me in tears.

For the first time in my life I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was losing everything I had. I felt like I had no control over my life, and I was frustrated.

If Enid saw me like this she would ask if I was alright but now she can't. I wish I could talk to her one more time, just to hear her voice.

I lifted my head and looked over at the other half of the dorm. It was covered in a thick layer of dust and left a mess. Just the way Enid liked it.

The room was no longer filled with "annoying" noises.

With the noises gone, the silence was overwhelming. She felt a deep emptiness in her heart, an emptiness that could not be filled. She felt alone and lost in the new silence.

And there was certainly no more bright light that made her life worth living.

The room felt darker and more lonely now that her light was no longer here.

The room no longer felt whole.

It felt like something was missing. Or should I say someone?

I was asked the other day if I would like a new roommate but I immediately backed down not wanting anyone to take Enid's spot. I just couldn't imagine the room filled with someone else's laughter and smell. I knew no one could replace her.

Though I rarely stood foot on her side of the room I would for sure protect it with all my heart. I just couldn't bear to have someone else take her place. I wanted to keep the room exactly as it was, with all the memories that we had shared. I wanted to keep her spirit alive in the room.

I never thought I would hate being alone so much either. I feel a pain in my heart when I wake up in the morning to not be met with her big smile that I looked forward to seeing. I have come to realize how much I valued her presence and how much I miss it now. I miss her laugh, her jokes, and her terrible singing skills. I miss the way she made me feel.

This was all my fault.

I failed.

I failed her.

She tried, she tried so hard to be my friend. She showed me that it was okay to feel and that feelings aren't signs of weakness.

And I failed her

I tried so hard to be considerate and show that I cared but it wasn't good enough. I should have done more. I should have been more understanding and tried to listen more. I could have been a better friend and offered more support.

I wasn't good enough.

Especially for her.

Honestly, who knew that I Wednesday Addams would miss such a bright, loving person?

634 words
Sorry this ones short
Did you guys know that giraffes sleep with them necks bent over🤯

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