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Pugsley's POV:

Wednesday was sent back home after the whole Crackstone incident a couple of days ago, and I just know she isn't okay. I can tell she's been crying, and she's been particularly quiet. She won't talk to me or anyone else.

She did tell us that she was fine but from me being nosy I had found out that her former roommate Enid Sinclair passed away in the fight while saving her.

During parents week, I met Enid twice, and she was very polite and pretty. I get why she misses her so much.

After she said she was fine everyone including my parents took her word for it. But as I watched her closely I knew she wasn't. Even though she was putting on a brave face, I could tell that she was anything but "fine".

She was clearly affected by the news, and I could tell she was trying to stay strong.

I tried everything to try and make her be her again. I offered torture but she said she was too busy. She was never too busy to do some torture. Despite my attempts, nothing seemed to help her, and she remained distant and disconnected, making it clear that the news had taken its toll on her.

The only time she came out of her room was for lunch. In those few minutes, I would see her I could see that she was hurting.

I studied her face as she ate my dad's pupusas.

Her eyes were puffy and red. Most likely from crying. She also had dark bags under her eyes. It looked like she hadn't slept in days.

And she also had her hair down. Which she had never let down until now.

I had never seen her in such a state before, and it broke my heart.

Enid's funeral was just a few days ago and of course we attended.

But not even at the funeral did she cry. She looked tired and empty like something was missing. She blinked more in that moment than in the 10 years I've known her. I could feel the pain she was trying so hard to contain. It was clear that she was struggling to keep her emotions in check. But even then, no tears fell from her eyes.

At night when she thought everyone was asleep she would cry. I've never heard her cry so much since her pet scorpion died.

It was difficult for her to show her emotions openly. She had a hard time expressing her feelings and I could tell she was bottling up her emotions. I could see she was struggling.

And it hurts me to know she's hurting and I can't do anything to help.

Wednesday was tougher than I was, but why am I able to take it and she can't? I ask myself that question every day.

But that's when I knew that Enid was the only thing Wednesday loved.

And now Enids gone.

517 words
I don't know how I feel about this one honestly🥶
I love you guys so fucking much❤

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