I'm Fine

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You ask and you shall receive😻 Masonjar_12            

i know it's not exactly how you wanted it but this is just how I saw it🤷🏽‍♀️.


I sat on the bathroom floor crying as my arm began to ache from the deep marks I made on them.

The floor was a mess.

I was a mess, inside and out.

Ever since I arrived at Nevermore terrible things have happened. Which means it's all my fault. Everything I touch or do always comes out fucked up.

I'm a fuck up.

I don't deserve to be here.

Enid deserves better.

All the tears I desperately tried to keep from spilling down my face I let them go.

My arm felt like it was on fire, and I wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and disappear. I tried to take a few deep breaths to calm myself, but it didn't help. I felt so overwhelmed. All I could do was cry.

I cried for what felt like hours. Eventually, I was able to regain control of my emotions.

"Wednesday, princess I'm back from Yoko's!" Enid shouted out as she entered the dorm.

I quickly but quietly went to lock the bathroom door.

She wasn't supposed to be back until later.

I composed myself before saying "Okay just give me a minute. I'm in the bathroom."

"Okay by the way I also brought dinner" Enid said while setting her things down

I quickly stashed the blade in its hiding spot and began cleaning the bloodstains on the floor. As I was cleaning the last couple of spots, Enid knocked on the door.

"Wednesday are you okay? You've been in there for a while"

"Yeah I'm fine" I said as my voice shook.

"No you're not. I hear it in your voice. What's wrong?" She asked worriedly

"Nothing just go away I'll be out in a minute" I said defensively

"Girl you said you would be out in a minute 15 minutes ago" I could hear her walk away but not a second later she came back and the door lock clicked open. She opened the door her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

"Why is there blood on the floor?"

"I'm... on my period?"

"Don't move" she spoke with... anger?

She walked away as I cried. I knew she was frustrated with me. I hated making her mad.

She soon returned with a first aid kit and sat in front of me.

"I'm so-" I tried to say but she cut me off

"No, don't say you're sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for" she said softly

As she began to open the kit, I asked, "Are you mad at me?" I said not able to look her in the eyes.

She paused at what she was doing and took my hands into hers.

"Look at me, my love," she said softly.

I look up to meet her ocean blue eyes that I've learned to love more and more every day.

"I would never be mad at you for this, do you understand? Am I upset that you're hurting?, of course I am, but being mad, never. You're in pain and that's something that should never be apologized for. I'll always be here for you without judgment or anger. Can I clean you up now?"

I nodded slightly her words still processing in my head.

An antiseptic wipe was grabbed and used to wipe the cuts. I winced at the stinging sensation.

"You're doing great my love" she squeezed my hand gently

Once she got me all cleaned and bandaged up, she helped me up.

"I need you to give me what you used" she said looking deep into my eyes

I shook my head before lowering it. Tears filled my eyes once again. I felt embarrassed to tell her.

She lifted my chin back up and said "I know you don't want to give it to me but we can find a safer way to help you. I need to keep you safe even if it is from yourself"

"It's behind the mirror" I muttered

She grabbed the blade and put it on the highest shelf

"I'll throw it away tomorrow because right now I have more important things to take care of" she said motioning for me to follow her.

She layed down on my bed before opening up her arms. I gladly accepted the invitation. My head rests on her chest and our legs were tangled together. I began to cry as she draped her arms around me tightly. She rubbed my back in a soothing manner as she let me cry. I eventually fell asleep, my face stained with tears, and my arm aching but I knew everything would be better now that Enid was here.

838 words

Hope yall enjoy because I actually really like this one💪🏽😽
Yall pride month is over you know what that means

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