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Upon entering the fencing locker room, my hands trembled ever so slightly.

Normally I'd be ready to beat Biancas' bald ass, but today I'm more paranoid than usual?

This morning I woke up to my face being drenched in sweat which was not a pleasant feeling to wake up to. I had a nightmare and normally I wouldn't get frightened by them but this one really did something to me.

"Oh Wednesday what's the matter? Losing control?" Tyler said his words full of poison as he spat in her face.

"Let me go Tyler" she firmly spoke trying to free herself from the chain that hung from the ceiling.

"Or what? You gonna run?" He laughed pulling a knife from his bad

She stayed quiet watching the boy with a deadly glare. She watched as the boy walked up to her knife in hand with a murderous look in his eyes.

"You know Wednesday you've really and I mean really have been getting on my nerves lately" he said as he approached, "and you know what the only way to stop a problem is to get rid of it so that's what I'll do!" He said with a smile.

"Wait Tyl-"

"Shut up you're ruining my moment" he said raising the knife and stabbing it into her abdomen making sure to twist it leaving in deeper

"Fuck.." she said shakily as tears filled her eyes

"You look so fucking pathetic. What would your parents think when they realize they raised a weak pathetic daughter like you?" Tyler chuckled packing his stuff up.

"I thought you were going to kill me?" She spoke up her breathing now abnormal

"You know I did think of that but then I'm like nah I'll stab her let her suffer then she'll die on her own" Tyler smiled widely

"I'm literally a genius" he said

She watched as the boy left.

Tears now poured out of her eyes. She tried her hardest to stop them, but they just wouldn't stop. She could hear her heart beating in her eyes as she became dizzy.

I honestly think I'm more terrified of the fact that Tyler actually did something smart.

After changing into my fencing uniform I became more aware of my surroundings and jumped at the sound of lockers being smashed closed.

But ever since Crackstone she's been jumpy and scared to fall asleep, but she usually brushes it off.

"Ready for me to beat you Addams" Bianca called out to her as she put on her helmet

"You meant for me to beat you" she said putting her helmet on and getting into position

"Begin!" The coach said signing the battle to begin

The swords clanked against each other to stop one another from getting the hit. She stepped back in order to avoid being hit.

Bianca raised her arm ever so slightly causing her for some reason to visibly flinch.

She brushed it off hoping no one noticed but as soon as she opted for a hit Bianca got her right on the abdomen.

Bianca took off her helmet and cheered for her victory.

Wednesday took off her helmet and stood frozen unable to move. Her eyes were wide and her skin appeared paler than usual.

When Bianca got her hit all she saw was Crackstone and the way he had twisted that knife deep into her abdomen. She heard the sound of his laughter as he walked away, and it echoed in her mind.

Soon her surroundings changed to where Crackstones had stabbed her.

"Oh you pathetic little girl" he teased the knife held tight in his hand

"Can you hear me?"

She stayed quiet fear spreading through her body as she watched the now alive man walk towards her.


She watched with wide eyes as the man held the knife high before plunging it into her skin. He twisted it like a screwdriver.

She clutched at her abdomen in pain tears seeping through her closed eyes as she tried to keep her breath steady. The smell of copper soon flooded the room. Her fingers were quickly stained red and the pain was too much for her to bear. She screamed in agony as the blood pooled around her.

The pain increased with each breath she took.

"So weak" he spat kicking her in the stomach before leaving to the academy.


Her eyes darted across the room as everything returned to normal. She was sitting on the floor backed up in the corner her head resting on her knees. She quickly darted her hand to her abdomen pleased to know she wasn't bleeding.

She could hear her heart beating rapidly in her ears and her breathing quickening. She then noticed that everyone was no longer in the room. Feeling her body shake with fear. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

"Wednesday can you hear me?"

She jumped as she heard someone speak worriedly but quietly towards her

"Are you okay now?" She recognized the voice. It was Enid.

She hadn't realized Enid had been in the room with her.

She looked over at Enid who was sitting beside her.

"You wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head not wanting to speak knowing her voice would fail her. She soon realized she had been crying the entire time. She slowly reached over and grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. She finally looked up and met her gaze, grateful for her presence.

"Wanna head back to the dorm? I'm sure Ms Weems will understand" Enid spoke

She nodded standing up and following Enid up to their dorm.

Enid let got and their intertwined hands and opened her arms the minute they stepped into the room, and she couldn't refuse. She launched herself towards the girl her grip on her sweater tight as she stuffed her face into her neck allowing her muscles to relax.

"It's okay I'm here" Enid whispered softly, rubbing her back in a soothing manner

The manner was so soothing Wednesday couldn't help but cry. Her tears drenched Enid's shirt slightly but she said it was fine and that the shirt wasn't as important as she was.

What would she have done without this girl? Wednesday felt a sudden surge of warmth in her heart. She hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her go.

1096 words
Not gonna lie this one does really suck🤧
The 1st chapter of my new book is out now feel free to read it whenever or maybe never😽

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