Land of Waves (1): Team Seven.

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Chapter 24: Land of Waves (1): Team Seven.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

End Banner: A SPECIAL THANKS to Michel Smith for supporting and helping me! CHAPTERS 24 and 25 will be out early today, and we're planning on rewriting the first chapters of the story to make things more engaging and less confusing. Apologies to those who were confused by my chaotic writing.

Chirp—! Chirp. Chirp!

Konohagakure. A mighty shinobi village that can withstand the combined strength of the other four great shinobi villages. A shinobi village with enough wealth to rebuild itself even if they were razed to the ground.

The village hidden in the leaves was the realization of a dream that the first God f Shinobi once had. It was the birthplace of many legendary ninjas, including the second God of Shinobi.

The village was surrounded by a lofty tall that was more than 30 meters tall and five meters thick. This wall served to protect the village from the harassment of wild animals, as well as to delay enemy forces until reinforcement arrive.

But this imposing wall can't stop a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Yukito-sama, this way, please."

A carriage painted in black and red, with a red roof, slowly made its way toward the village gates. Inside the carriage was a young master wearing gold and silver kimono who leisurely fanned himself with a white fan that had sakura petals embroidered into its leaves.

When the carriage door opened, the young master opened his eyes to look at the servant wearing a blue kimono. The servant bowed his body until his body was shaped like an upside-down "L".


The young master nodded, his gold and silver kimono gleamed in the sun and the servant quickly opened a Japanese umbrella (Wagasa) to cover his master from the harmful sun. For a moment, the young master glanced at the servant with his golden, amber pupils before turning to look at the soaring gates in front of him.

The gates were painted red and there was a "fire" kanji symbol painted in the middle.

The young master and servant pair approached the inconspicuous guard post beside the giant gates and saw a chunin leisurely watching the clouds. When the chunin saw Yukito's orange hair and amber pupils, he sighed and slowly stood up.

"Yukito-sama, please, you are always welcome in Konoha. There's no need to trouble—"

"Stop right there, ninja-san. I am doing this out of respect for this peace-loving village. Please, properly register my arrival."

"As you wish, Yukito-sama."

The chunin opened a log book and wrote Yukito's name inside. Then, he wrote the date and the time of the day before passing the log book to Yukito, who signed under his name. When the chunin received the log book again, he stamped it before bowing to Yukito.

"It's all done, Yukito-sama."

"Thank you, ninja-san. I'll be going now."

"Please enjoy your stay in Konoha!"

Seeing the black and red carriage get further and further into the village, the chunin guard sighed and shrugged his shoulder.

"What a drag..."

The chunin had black hair that was tied in a short ponytail, and his black pupils darted around as they gazed into the clouds, sighing and muttering something about "waste of time".

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