30: Chunin Exams (2): Old Acquaintance

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Chapter 30: Chunin Exams (2): Reunion with an Old Acquaintance.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

The genins collectively agreed that the first phase of the exams was boring, and when they ran toward the forty-fourth training ground, their smiles couldn't get any wider.


Came the roar of a woman with a sword-sharp tone. When the genins looked at the rusty, iron fences surrounding the thick trees behind it, and in front of the sturdy iron gates was a woman wearing a grey coat and chainmail underneath it.

She was wearing very little clothing, and it seemed as if the chainmail was her clothes, but her coat moves like a living creature to skillfully hide her figure, while at the same time teasing the viewer outside.

The woman smirked when she saw the incoming genins and stretched her arms outward as if to embrace the little chickens coming to the blood-stained butcher.

"I am Anko Mitarashi, Konoha's special jonin, and the proctor of this exam!" Anko paused, looking at each genin's eye, and laughed, "WELCOME. To the forest... of DEATH!"

When she saw the genins turn pale and gulp a pool of saliva in their mouth, Anko licked her lips to savor the taste of fear in the genins' hearts.

"Wow, how sadistic."


When she heard the faint muttering on her right, Anko's head nearly snapped when she turned her head. Her eyes landed on a boy with long, brown hair and coffee-colored eyes.

"Ho-ho-ho! Someone's a brave one, I see."


Before the genins can process her sentence, Anko's body became a blur and leaped toward them like a python ambushing her prey.


The genins shivered, rubbing the standing hair on their arms and turning toward the hissing sound behind them. When they turned, they saw a thick brown python wrapping itself around Hiroko and Anko standing behind the shivering boy. As the python wrapped itself around Hiroko's body, wanting to eat him, the python hissed and turned to look at the pale genins.

"Boy, if I were you, I would get a little something called 'caution' embedded deep in my brain. Because in the forest of death... any one of you can die, and no one will care!"

Anko whispered in Hiroko's ears, but the forest was too silent and her voice seems to echo in their ears as well as if Anko was behind them. Several genin turned back just to make sure, only a couple was unaffected.

Anko covered her mouth as her shoulder bobbed up and down before ordering her summon to get down from Hiroko's body.


After the python slithered into her sleeves, Anko got a glance of a tall, long-haired genin standing behind Hiroko, licking his lips with his long tongue and his eyes gluing themselves on the boy's back.

"Oh, and, death may be better if you encounter... perverts... inside the forest. Pretty boy, you ought to be careful."

Anko whispered to Hiroko while giving the tall genin from the land of grass a sideways glance. The genin saw her stare and started chuckling, turning to discuss something with his teammates.

"Damn creepy-ass pervert," Anko scoffed before turning her attention to the rest of the genins.

"All right, brats! Come here and sign this paper. If any of you die in the forest, konoha wouldn't be held responsible for your sorry deaths!"

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