32: Chunin Exams (4): Fighting against Fate

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Chapter 32: Chunin Exams (4): Fighting against Fate.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.


Two... Four... Eight... Sixteen... Thirty-two... Sixty-four...

"Ha... Ha..."

By the time both Hyuga finished the sixth step of the eight trigrams, their bodies were already soaked in sweat. Their bodies felt numb, and their eyes felt sore, but neither of them stopped.

The Sixty-Four Palms and the One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms have two main differences. The first is the most obvious, which is the doubled number of strikes. But it is the second difference that is crucial.

When performing the One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms, not only do you have to do twice the amount of strikes as the Sixty-Four Palms, but you also have to do it twice as fast!



Although both of them had already launched hundreds of strikes, barely a minute has passed in reality.

"Seventh step, One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms!"

Both Hyuga yelled, their faces filled with indignant expressions. One hated the fact that he still hadn't won yet, and one hated the fact that she didn't train harder.

By the end of their technique, both of their eyes glowed in a brilliant silver light as the result of a bucket of chakra being poured into their eyes.

"Ha... cough—ha...! Cousin, you..."

On the balcony, "Wow, Hinata won!" A loud cheer echoed in everyone's ears, making them look at the girl in the arena, and the boy clutching his eyes with an ugly expression. Medic ninjas can be seen hurrying to the boy's side, while the proctor announced Hinata as the winner of the match.

Hiroko's face was shining like a star, his fingertips were trembling, and his heart was racing. 'She did it!' he thought.

Truth be told, Naruto hadn't expected this growth rate from Hinata.

The girl could barely be called a ninja when he last saw her, but now, she was capable of matching the "greatest genius" of the Hyuga clan.

With a chakra level nearing the jonin rank, and skills adequate for an average jonin, all Hinata needed was real experience, and this flower would receive the greatest fertilizer to exist!

'Can I take her away?'

Hiroko thought, his eyes glued to the blue-haired girl climbing up the stairs. His palm was itchy, and he was already holding a scroll under his shirt.

'Naruto. Wake up.'

Hiroko flinched, but everyone's eyes were on the winner. No one cared about the sweat-soaked Hiroko.

With a frown, Hiroko asked, even though he already knew the answer, 'Why?'

His hands have already released the scroll containing the Living Body Imprisonment Seal.

'Did you forget the plan? You're supposed to make chaos in Konoha, and then steal the sealing scrolls in the process.'

'Yeah, but...'

His frown deepened.

Both the fox and the host knew that it was an excuse. His real purpose was to observe Hinata. To see if she kept her promise, before going to the Hokage tower and secretly borrowing some scrolls.

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