Land of Waves (5): Zabuza's Might, Team Four's Misfortune

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Chapter 28: Land of Waves (5): Zabuza's Might, Team Four's Misfortune.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto.

End Banner has something to say: Habiki's team 3 will be changed to team 4. I forgot that team 3 is Guy's team, oops! Anyway, team 4 will be forgotten soon, so don't worry about it too much.

After Habiki finished discussing various strategies with Sasuke, he turned to his team and looked at them carefully. His team consisted of two boys and one girl, namely Eito, Kioshi, and Mako.

Both Eito and Kioshi had earthy brown hair and eyes, while Mako had ink-black hair and leafy-green eyes.

"Team three, can you fight?"

Habiki inquired. Eito and Kioshi had many deep cuts and slices on their torso and thighs that had already scarred. This was the result of the ambush from those two chunins when they were making their way to the land of waves.

The chunins were wielding chains with sharp spikes, and both Eito and Kioshi would've immediately died if not for Mako using all her strength to resist the chains with a kunai.

After that, Habiki instantly killed those two chunins.

"Habiki-sensei, we won't be a burden."

"Eito is right, Habiki-sensei. We'll fight until the reinforcement arrive!"

Seeing the two boys flex their muscles, Habiki's lips twitched and he had the urge to punch them in the head, but he didn't have to do anything in the end.


"Mako, what was that for?!"

The kunoichi in his team did the job for him.

"All right, all right. Since you say you can fight, you'll help support Sasuke and I. Don't rush in to fight the bandits up close, just throw some kunai and shuriken to give us openings, understood?"

"Yes, sensei!"

Habiki smiled in satisfaction. Then, he turned to face Sasuke, who was borrowing a storage scroll from Benjiro. Habiki was baffled about how Benjiro could have so many storage scrolls filled with dozens of kunai, but now wasn't the time to ask.

"Here. Good luck, Sasuke."

"Thanks. We'll definitely crush these bandits. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried," Benjiro chuckled when he saw Sakura taking deep breaths in the corner, "Hey, Sakura, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm just nervous..."

Sakura rubbed her arms. Ever since she returned from planting the scrolls, she felt uneasy. Plus, this was her first time putting her life on the line.

"Don't worry, Sakura. I and Sasuke will make sure that you return to konoha in one piece, so just do your best, okay?"

"Fuu..." hearing Benjiro's kind words, Sakura took a slow, deep breath and breathed out before smiling. "Don't worry, you two. Even if I'm not as good as you two, I'm still a konoha kunoichi!"

Seeing team seven's deep bond, Habiki felt a little surprised. If he was correct, team seven had just been formed barely a month ago.

"Habiki-sensei, the bandits have already arrived in the field."

"Already? Well, remember what I told you, and do not die. Go!"

"Yes, sensei!"

Habiki turned into a streak of shadow and rushed toward the field, while the six genin looked at each other for a moment before running after Habiki.

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