78: The Battle Erupts

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Chapter 78: The Battle Erupts

Arc: The Uzumaki Clan

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. Naruto is the work of Masashi Kishimoto, please support the original work.


In a field covered in a cloud of dust, a building-sized fiery red dragon soared through the skies as if to fly above the cloud. As it flew, a hand made from rocks tried to catch it, though the dragon was too fast, and before the rock hand could clasp its tail, it flew above the hand and hovered in the air like a watchful red cloud.

In the middle of the red-hot "cloud," vibrant yelled eyes gazed upon the ground below.

Inside the cloud of dust stood a group of people. Four of them, with one having just arrived, wore black cloaks with red clouds, while the other eight were guarded against them.

'Itachi Uchiha. Damn, just my luck. Kurama, do you think you can handle Itachi's genjutsu?' Naruto asked. After receiving a random punch to the gut from Danzo's mangekyou sharingan that one time, Kurama made Naruto promise to not get himself involved with other Uchiha in the future.

The mangekyou sharingan that Danzo stole was too powerful. It could directly override one's own will. The fox knew that the brainwashing effect should fade after some time, but before that, the target's personality and beliefs would've changed drastically.

'I can handle his ordinary sharingan genjutsu,' Kurama huffed. 'But it's another story if he has the mangekyou sharingan,' Kurama finished.

'I see. If he shows that he has the mangekyou sharingan, then I'll slap dozens of Genjutsu Block seals on me every second,' Naruto promised. The Genjutsu Block seal was a common sealing formula in the shinobi world, but its use wasn't widespread.

This was due to its weakness that one Genjutsu Block doesn't mean it can block one Genjutsu. Sometimes, depending on the genjutsu's nature, it can take up to five Genjutsu Blocks to block a simple genjutsu.

For example, if a genjutsu was designed to be subtle, or the genjutsu of a sharingan.

'Of course, that's when we're talking about generic Genjutsu Block. But still, due to the inherent nature of genjutsu, it isn't easy to block them. Even my Genjutsu Block formula isn't guaranteed to block one Genjutsu,' Naruto internally sighed, 'the best way to dispel genjutsu is still to actively rouse your chakra, or to avoid them altogether.'

Before, he thought that jinchuriki were immune to genjutsu. But after meeting Yagura, he suddenly realized the true power of genjutsu. It wasn't that jinchuriki is immune to genjutsu. It was only that jinchuriki rarely faced genjutsu strong enough that their bijuu cannot dispel it.

'Hmm, or is it that a jinchuriki is vulnerable to genjutsu if the bijuu is also under a genjutsu?'

Suddenly, Naruto came to a realization and his mind came up with a multitude of plans...

"Naruto Uzumaki, we meet again," Itachi politely greeted.

'Plans can be pushed until later. For now, we have a battle to fight. And a fight to win,' Naruto narrowed his eyes in determination.

"Everyone, you go and deal with Hidan and Kakuzu. I will deal with Itachi and Kisame," Naruto ordered. If it was before, he would've asked for Gaara or Zabuza's help. But now that he had access to Kurama's chakra directly, he wanted to see his limits.

Yagura was a jinchuriki like him, and it was hard to gauge his power against normal shinobi like Itachi and Kisame. 'Hmm, S-rank criminals aren't exactly normal, but whatever.'

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