Robert's Story

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Hey guys for those of you who are reading my story. Sorry it took so long for me to update I was at my friends house. Thank you so much and enjoy. :)


" head," I said to myself as I woke up in a strange room.

"How do you feel?"

"Who said that?" I replied as I looked around the room but nobody else was in there with me.

"Nice to see you're finally awake," A man said as he walked through the door. "I'm Dr. Hartmen. You're here because we believe that the radiation you absorbed from the meteor changed you."

"Changed me? What are you talking about, and why am I here?" I yelled at him.

"Since your body fused well with the radiation, it improved your strength and probably all your senses as well," He said as he took a step closer to my bed.

"You still haven't answered my question. Why am I here?" I replied this time with more seriousness in my voice.

"We want to see how much the radiation has affected your body so we brought you here." I squinted my eyes at him as I started to get off the bed. I ran towards him and pinned him up against the wall. "What are you doing?" He replied as I picked him up off his feet without trying.

"If you thought that I was going to just stay here and let you do your little experiments on me, you were wrong. And if what you said was true, you can't really do anything to stop me can you," I replied as I let him go and kicked down the door.

I stopped as I saw a ton of guards standing in front of me with their guns pointed at me. "We can try to stop you," I heard Dr. Hartmen say as he stood behind me.

I ran back in the room and smashed through the back wall and ended up in a big opening. "Robert!" I turned to see who was screaming my name and I saw Jason.

"You're here too?" I asked him as I ran over to him.

"I don't know where we are but I just woke up here which was two days ago," My eyes shot open.

"What?! I've been out for four days?" I asked.

"When I woke up three days had already past so you've been a sleep for seven days," Jason replied. I heard dozens of foot steps getting closer.

"We need to get out of here and fast. Stand back," I told him as I punched the glass and it shattered.

"Whoa..." I heard Jason say as he walked out of the cell. "Come on lets go," I told him as I turned around and then it hit me.

"Wait if we're here that means Alejandro is here too. We need to find him," I told Jason as we started to run. "We need to split up so we can find him faster."

"You're right," Jason said as he turned the corner while I kept running straight.

Come on Alejandro where are you? I looked through multiple doors and I found a room with two guards standing next to it. He's probably in there, "Hey freeze or we'll shoot." One of the guards said as I ran towards them.

They started to shoot and I didn't even feel the bullets touch my skin. I knocked out the guards and looked at my body. "Wow they didn't even make a scratch on me or this suit," I said to myself.

I busted down the door and I saw him laying on the bed motionless. "Alejandro!" I said as I ran up to his bedside.

"Wake up... come on," I tried shaking him but it didn't work. "Ugh... I'm not going to leave you here to be an experiment for them." I bent down to grab him and I felt his warm breath on my neck as I picked him up. My body shivered just like when he picked me up when he found me after the meteor hit.

No I can't think like this now I have to get him out of here. I felt something hit my back and then I felt a painful shock rush through my body.

"Ahhhh! What the hell!" I yelled as I let go of Alejandro and turned around to find Dr. Hartmen at the door holding a gun that was shooting me with electricity.

"Looks like I found something that can stop you after all," He smirked as he laughed a little.

Ugh, damnit come on, Alejandro would try to do something to get through this. Just like when he tried to carry me and a passed out Jason when we fell in the crater that the meteor made.

I clenched my fist and I started to stand up. "Ahhh!" I screamed as I ran towards Dr. Hartmen and I pushed him to the wall in the hallway.

"Robert!" I turned as Jason called my name. "Ahhhh," Jason yelled as the guards started to shock him with the same gun that Dr. Hartmen had. I was about to go take the guards out but more came and started to zap me. I fell to my knees and I looked up as Dr. Hartmen stood in front of me.

"Your attempted to escape has failed. You were a fool to think that you can just walk away from this place together."

I looked over at Jason and he was also on his knees staring back at me. "You're right we can't all walk out of here together. But that doesn't mean I can't," I told him as I tried standing up. "I'm sorry Alejandro..." I mumbled under my breath.

I jumped with all the strength in my legs and I busted through the roof of the building. I landed on the roof and then took a running start to leap off the roof.

"I'm sorry you guys I'll be back for you I just need time," I told myself as I soared over the trees. I was coming back down to the ground and I landed on the edge of a waterfall.

"Ahhh!" I yelled out as the ground caved and I fell breaking every rock that I hit. I closed my eyes and I felt as if I stopped falling. I opened my eyes and I was about an inch away from touching the water.

"Whoa... I'm floating!" I said full with excitement. I moved my position so I was now in a standing position. "I wonder?" I tried moving myself up and I floated back to the top of the waterfall. "At least this will make it a lot easier to get home," I said to myself as I started to fly higher into the sky. I'll try to come back for you guys...

"Finally I'm home," I said to myself as arrived at my house. I didn't see the family car so that means my mom and dad probably went somewhere. But shouldn't they be looking for me? I was gone for a week.

I walked up the steps and tried to open the door but it was locked. I walked around back and that door was locked too. "Damnit," I said as I grabbed the door handle again this time breaking the door off of its place. I walked in and headed up to my room.

"Huh... finally I can change out of this stupid body suit," I said as I opened my bedroom door. I stopped at the door as I saw somebody sitting on my bed who looked exactly like me.

"You've finally made it."

"Who are you and where are my parents?" I asked him with seriousness in my voice.

"I'm Metalo and Dr. Hartmen sent me here to take over your life and if you ever were to come I would have to kill you."

I ran up to Metalo before he could react and I pinned him down on my floor. "So he sent you here to kill me huh. Well you haven't done a very good job of it have you," I told him as I was about to punch him.

I smashed my fist against his face and the light went away from his eyes. "Stupid robot. Dr. Hartmen was an idiot to think I'll be dead because of you," I stood up and I was going to turn when I felt something grab my leg.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?"

I stomped my foot on Metalo's face and smashed my fist through his chest.

"Ahhh!" Metalo screamed as I took out his battery.

"Actually yeah I did." I said as I crushed the battery in my hand.

I put Metalo in my closet so I could get rid of his body later that night. I heard the front door open and I heard two familiar voices coming from down stairs.

Thanks for reading and I love you for that. Please vote and comment if you like it. :) AN I will update another chapter on Monday I feel that the weekends are a free day lol thanks again. Oh and this chapter went back in time to when it was a day before Alejandro woke up so yeah. Thanks for reading. And next chapter will be part two of Roberts Story.

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