Breaking Apart

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In this chapter we meet a new small group from the UK and they have a little battle with Ace but everything resolves itself.

Robert and Alejandro seem to be on the rocks because of something that happened and if that wasn't bad enough Dr. Hartman shows up again.

Well enjoy the chapter. :)




"Alejandro where are you?" I heard Robert ask from the headset.

"I'm flying from country to country seeing if there is anything I can help with," I replied as I sored through the sky.

"You've been over working yourself you need to stop. You haven't been home since the funeral and you need to rest," Robert replied as I heard the worry in his voice.

"I'm fine I need to be around twenty-four-seven anything can happen. The world needs help and I can save it," I replied as I landed on top of the Big Ben in London.

"The world may need Ace but I need you."

I let out a big yawn as I felt drowsy, "You're right. I'll be home in a little bit."

"I'll see you then," Robert replied.

"I'll see you then," I assured him as I turned the headset off.

I heard a police siren start to go off and I looked over the edge of the giant clock. A few police cars were speeding through the streets, and I saw black smoke out in the distance. I quickly flew toward the smoke to see what was happening.

A whole building was on fire and I heard someone screaming from inside. I quickly entered the burning house, "Hello!"

"I'm over here," I heard a frail and weak voice call out.

"You're safe now," I assured her as I grabbed her and took her outside.

"Wait... my son!" The lady yelled, "My son is still in there."

"Don't worry I'll get him," I told her as I placed her on the ground and turned to go back in to get her son.

"Put out the fire and I'll get the kid," I heard someone say with a British accent as she entered the burning house.

I did as she said and took in a deep breath. I blew out lightly and started to put the flames out with my icy breath. As I almost finished the girl came back out holding the child.

I started to feel a little heavy and I dropped on the floor like a dead fly.

"What's wrong?" The girl said as I breathed in deep breaths.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little tired," I assured her as I got on my feet.

"Well you should rest then Ace. You wont be much help if you're not well rested," She said as she patted my back.

"Thanks for worrying but who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Artemus and I'm the hero around these parts," She said as she started to fly off with me following right behind her. "We protect the people of London and all over the United Kingdom."

"We?" I questioned.

"Yeah, me and my friends," She replied.

"It's time to see what that guy can do. Get him Jack," I heard someone whisper. I stopped as I saw a big dude coming at me.

"Got you," Jack said as he got a hold of me and we both were now falling towards the ground.

"Ah!" I yelled as he smashed me against the pavement.

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