The Secrets Out

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Thanks for Reading and here's a new chapter enjoy :)

I got off the bus and made my way to the school. I wont be able to confront him during class. So I have to find him before the bell rings.

I walked up to the school doors and I saw him through the glass; standing next to his locker. I opened the doors and walked towards him.

"Sup Alejandro." Kevin said in a cheerful voice. "Don't give me that I figured it out, Shadow." I said as I whispered his name.

"I guess you're not as dumb as I thought. You managed to figure it out with just the two clues I left you." Kevin said as he closed his locker and started to walk. With me following close behind.

"Yeah I did. But did you plan everything from last night, even the bank robbery?" I asked him while we exited the school and headed towards the football field. "Everything except the bank robbery that was real. But I did plan on you going and stopping it."

"What you knew I would go, but how?" I asked him in surprise.

"Cause I know you want to use your powers for good. Just like you stopped the guys at Harvest Food. An how you rescued Wendy from the bomb." He said as he stopped walking.

"How did you know about Wendy and the bomb?" I asked.

"I found Wendy strapped to the bomb in the basement. I had left for just a minute. When I came back Wendy and the bomb were gone. Then I heard an explosion outside. An Wendy was safe laying on the grass." He finished as the bell rang for classes to start.

"Feel like skipping school?" Kevin asked as he gave me a encouraging look.

"Sure but where would we go?" I asked, sounding a little bit excited

"We can go to my hideout. It's not far from here." He added.

"Really that's awesome but wait. I thought you don't give your identity away to people you don't trust. Does that mean you trust me." I said with a baby face.

"If you must know, yes I trust you. Now stop asking questions we'll have time for that later."

"Hay what are you doing?" I said as he jumped on my back.

"Ok I'm ready how does this work. Is there a button or a switch? Giddy up, Heya!"

"That's not how it works." I said as I got him off my back. I wrapped my arm around his side and took off.

"Whoa this is incredible!" Kevin said as he looked down with a joker smile.

"Where's your hideout?" I asked.

"It's just a little bit farther and it's right over... there!" He said as he pointed down to a shed at the top of a large hill.

I landed us in front of the shed. "Is this it?" I asked not seeming surprise. "Yeah this is it. Come on lets go in." Kevin replied as he lead me into the shed. I closed the door behind us.

The shed was barley big enough for both of us. We were standing there awkwardly facing each other.

"Is this it? It's not very big. I thought it would be more exciting." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"What were you expecting this. Computer down." He said as a voice came out of nowhere.

"Voice recognized welcome Kevin."

"Quick put your arms up." Kevin said as he pulled my arms up.

"Why whats gonna haaaa...!" I yelled as the floor went away and we fell into a big circular tube.

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