Night Of Love

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So by the name of the chapter there is some love scene but I didn't wanna get to into it cause it was awkward. So yeah.

Thanks for reading and voting :) So I guess that the end of this story will probably be next week.

But anyways here's a new chapter enjoy :)


"Where did you go?"

"What happened when Freak Show shot you with that Lazar?"

"Why didn't you come back earlier?"

"Why is there a clone out there that looks like you?"

All the reporters asked whilst I stood on top of the press conference. Everyone needed to know what had happened so I decided to finally talk to the press.

"Everyone quiet down and let me explain," I ordered them sternly. They all did as I ordered and stood there quietly for my to talk. I let out a sigh not knowing how to put things into words without scaring them.

"When Freak Show zapped me with that Lazar months ago I it didn't kill me, it only sucked me in to trap me. I was then held captive and was unable to move. Within these past months they were able to use my DNA to clone me," I explained as they looked at me with confused faces.

"So it's your fault that they made that murderous monster!" A man yelled from the crowed of reporters.

"In a way yes," I replied simply.

"So then why do we need you heroes to save us if you guys are the reason we are in danger," Another reporter added.

Everyone started to argue and shout. This isn't going the way I planned, everything is going the complete opposite. I just stood there watching them yell and shout towards me and I had enough of that. This is why I didn't wanna go through this but it was my own plan; I had to go through with it.

"Silence!" I yelled at them whilst stomping my foot on the ground roughly. They all stopped and looked at me with shocked expressions. "I'm sorry but what you need to understand is that no matter what happens, no matter what the cost I will always be here to save and protect you. Not only me but The Elite will be here to protect you all as well."

I looked at them with a sympathetic look before floating upward and then flying away from the press conference.

........................*****************End Of Memory******************..............................

I let out a sigh as I ran that moment through my mind a thousand times. Even though that happened two days ago I remember as if it was just yesterday.

Since I got back more people have wanted to join The Elite but only a few got to. We have twenty people on the team now but at least that leaves off some of the burden of constantly being on patrol.

Kevin has spent time away from the team also. He said he was just a part timer since he said he needed to do his own work. I told him we're stronger together but come on it's Kevin when he gets his mind on something you can't change it.

Well whatever everything is going well for the most part.

I sat down on the beach and watched the waves roll on the sandy shore. The sun was shining and everyone was having fun before the sun went away on the other end of the beach. I was surrounded by trees and water so no one else could see me.

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