The Battle Begins

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Chapter 31 h my god one more step closer to the end :( Thanks for the votes and the reads it means a lot:)

In the chapter before I forgot to add when The man in robes said his name. I edited it so now his name is Galactic.

Anyways here's a new chapter.


My eyes widened when I heard utter that word. "Your dad," I repeated giving Shadow a confused look. "That guy is your dad."

Shadow took in a deep breath and turned to look at me slowly. "Yes. That is my fucking dad. I can't believe I never noticed this before," Shadow stated whilst letting out a sigh. "I mean I'm supposed to be a detective and the entire time I've been searching for what Dr. Hartman is going to do. I was barking up the wrong tree cause it turns out the greatest threat to this world is my dad."

I never saw Shadow act this way he was just not calm and not well himself. "Shadow calm down everything will be alright," I assured him trying to calm him down.

"How the fuck am I supposed to be calm if my father is going to destroy the world! He tried to kill me a few moments ago. If it wasn't for the new robber suit's I made he would've succeeded. Man I'm so fucking stupid," He screamed out as he tore off his mask and threw it on the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a worried look on my face. Kevin seemed so broken. I could see his eyes red and puffed up with tears coming out of each one.

Kevin was about to speak but closed his mouth before anything came out. He wiped away his tears and took in a breath. "I don't think I can do this anymore," He stated giving me a serious look.

"What are you talking about you can't just give up because of a bump in the road," I told him trying to make him rethink what he was saying. I mean I know that his father is the bad guy, but that's why he needs to bring his own dad to justice.

"A bump in the road," Kevin repeated with an annoyed tone. "Having to fight against your own father isn't a fucking bump in the road. I can't, no, I wont fight my him when it comes down to it. If you were really my friend you wouldn't ask me to do this." Kevin started to get teary eyed again and he wiped them away just as they started to fall.

"I am your friend but..."

"I already lost one parent and I wont lose another one," Kevin blurted out and pushed a button on his wrist band. His jet came from the top of the mall and let down a rope for Kevin to grab onto.

"You can't just walk away from this," I told him as his jet started to fly away with him.

"Watch me," Kevin mumbled softly whilst getting inside his jet.

Kevin can't just walk away from this he needs to deal with his dad himself. Now that Kevin knows about his dad I'm afraid about what he will do now. I can't follow him cause he isn't the type of person to talk to when they're going through an emotional time.

"Alejandro where did you go?" Jason asked through the communicator in my ear.

"Ugh what the hell..." I looked over and saw a man getting up slowly holding his head. "Oh shit," The man yelled looking over at me whilst turning around to run away.

"I'll be right there I just gotta make a little stop first alright bye," I answered Jason whilst going after the man.

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