Jason's Story Part Two

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Thanks for continuing to read my book and I have 281 votes. I think that's amazing.

Well here's Part Two of Jason's Story enjoy :)



"So you guys accepted the offer?" Torch questioned whilst noticing Artemus and Multi-man in the two remaining seats in the jet.

"I think I speak for both of us when I say that we are both honored to even be chosen to be apart of the team," Artemus answered turning to look at Multi-man who just smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

"So where is it exactly where we're going?" I asked Shadow as he drove the jet.

"We're going to see more people about joining the team," He stated as he kept his eyes faced forward.

"I thought we were just going to stick with seven like we originally were," Torch said with a hint of confusion.

"We need all the help we can get so I've tracked down multiple people and told them to gather in Central Park," Shadow explained.

"How many do we have to chose from?" I questioned wondering how many people he invited to this event.

"Three people Davin, Jessie, and Robin," He responded. "That's enough questions; just wait and see."

I rolled my eyes as I put my goggles on over my eyes. I really didn't care much for the identity thing around the team. All I had to cover my face were these yellow goggles that covered my eyes. Shadow, Brave Heart, Aero, and Multi-man are the only three that wear masks.

Artemus doesn't really care about her identity at all, she said it was because it was an honor to be able to protect her home land. Torch doesn't need a mask since he usually sets himself on fire and you can barely see his features.

A thought came to my mind as I thought about this. Where was Aero? He isn't here with us and since he's a part of the team he should make a decision on which to allow the new members to join.

"Where is Aero?" I spoke out so anyone could answer.

"He said he was going to meet us there," Brave Heart answered after a few seconds of silence.

"Why didn't he just come with us?" I questioned.

"Cause he was busy with his girlfriend," Brave Heart answered again.

I let out a sigh as she said so. I slouched back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest. That guy can't be trusted to do anything. He needs to learn that the team is more important then his rebound chick.

"I heard that," Brave Heart said as she spoke to my mind.

"What how long have you been listening?" I asked a little shocked.

"Long enough to know that you dislike Robert a lot," She answered. "Why is that?"

"I don't know?" I answered her with another question.

"Oh you don't know huh. Do I have to get the information myself?" She questioned.

"Fine," I said whilst mentally letting out a sigh. "Alejandro died not to long ago and Robert already found a new relationship. I think that's so disrespectful and that he is just not even very affected by Alejandro's death.

"Robert does care about Alejandro," Brave Heart stated.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

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