Four Months Later

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So this four months after Jason's Story so it makes it six months since Alejandro has died.

In this chapter we go back to Robert so yeah enjoy :)


The moon was shining down on me as I looked up to it. And I couldn't help but think about him. Its been six months since I last saw him. Ever since he left every thing got a lot tougher. He was stronger than anyone. Both physically and in the sense of better judgement. It was a shock to everyone when he died.

But not everyone knew the truth about him. I just wish he would have known how I felt before hand. But it's too late now.

"Aero where are you? We need help with Freak Show," Brave Heart said as she snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I'll be right there," I replied as I placed my hand on the communicator. "Freak Show... This time nothing is stopping me from taking you down."


I arrived where the rest of the team was at and saw Freak Show standing there with that evil grin like always.

"So the gang's all here," Freak Show stated as he saw me arrive. "Now the real fun can begin... Oh boy's..."

Four people came from behind the building and stood beside Freak Show.

This is my first time seeing Freak Show face-to-face since he killed Alejandro, and I still had a lot of steam to get off my chest.

"This time you're not just going back to prison, you're going back in a full body cast," I assured him as I flew towards all of them.

"Aero wait!" I heard Shadow call out.

It was too late to go back as I was already near them, "Ah!" I yelled as one of the people started to zap me with lightning from his fingertips.

"You should really listen to your team mates," Freak Show said as he let out a laugh.

"Ah!" I saw the guy yell as he got pushed back by Brave Heart.

"I told you to wait," Shadow told me as he got to my side.

"Whatever lets just take care of this," I replied as I took off after Freak Show.

I chased him as he led me to the top of the building. "So do you still hate me?" Freak Show asked as he stopped running.

"No I don't hate you," I replied. "I despise you!" I lunged myself at him but he moved out of my grasp.

"You let your hate fuel you," Freak Show replied whilst he kept avoiding me. "But with hate fear isn't far behind, and that's what fuels me!" Freak Show stopped my fist and punched me square in the face.

I flew back crashing into the other building whilst I fell to the street below. I got up and I saw Freak Show making his way down towards me.

"You are scared of what I'm capable of," Freak Show stated as he stood before me. "You've been afraid since I killed Ace."

"Shut up!" I yelled as I started to lose my cool.

"Ace was the Hero that died saving New York. He saved it alright and he saved your life too," Freak Show continued. "As I recall he pushed you away from getting hit by my Lazar. So I guess his death was your fault."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" I threw myself at him and pinned him against the side of the building. I had my hands gripped tightly around his throat.

"Ha-ha, so much rage. This is fun but you just did what I wanted you to do," Freak Show replied as he chocked out every single word.

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