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Yay Chapter 30 I'm honestly never thought it would be this long.

Well anyways here's a new chapter and Kevin finally get his own P.O.V. I felt it was about time that he gets one since he's never gotten one. enjoy :)


"Why did you want to meet us here and where are the other members of the team?" I asked whilst taking a seat at the table near Flash.

"We're the original members of this team so we are only going to be in these meetings," Shadow stated whilst looking at all of us. An by all of us I mean Flash, Brave Heart, Aero, Torch, and I.

"Then we need a seventh member to make things fair," Brave Heart replied. She was right we did need a seventh member. Otherwise whenever we wouldn't have another person to break a tied vote if needed.

"I know that's why I chose her," Shadow responded whilst the door opened from behind us. Artemus came walking in. "She's gonna take Ondreya's place ad our final member."

"Thank you so much for letting me be one of the seven," Artemus stated. Her British accent still sounding awesome.

"Well I think you're a good choice since you've helped the team in many situations. Well from what I've heard," I replied with a sweet smile.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement that Artemus would be a great choice in taking the final position. We turned our heads back at Shadow whilst Artemus took her seat, "One of my sources have informed me that Dr. Hartman is going to execute his plan soon."

Sources since when did Shadow have sources? He probably has somebody working with Dr. Hartman or he's made somebody confess to what Dr. Hartman's next move is. Shadow is always good at interrogating criminals.

"What sources?" I Torch asked confused. "When did you have people doing your dirty work?"

"But then again they're just suspicions right?" Aero questioned.

"No," Shadow answered boldly. "This was a string source that I got... heard it from." He looked down at the table as he finished speaking.

"Where or who did you hear it from?" I asked curiously. It seemed to have bothered him just speaking about it but he can't keep secrets from the team.

"That isn't important right now. What is important is getting the entire team ready for whenever he decides to put his plan into action," Shadow answered by ignoring my question. I should've expected as much. You can never get a straight answer from him.

"Then we have to train the rest of The Elite how to fight?" Artemus asked.

"Oh that's going to be fun," Jason joked. I turned and gave him a slight chuckle before nudging him with my elbow. He stared back at me and only smiled before Shadow started speaking again.

"Precisely. We need to have this team under control and now more than ever since more members have joined," He stated with a sigh.

I was about to speak when his arm started to sound.

"I have to go," Shadow said whilst looking at his wrist. "This meeting is over. Omega beam me out."

"Yes sir," I heard Omega from Shadow's communicator. Shadow disappeared and we all exchanged weird looks.

"When was he able to do that?" Flash stated whilst getting up from his chair.

"What do u expect it's Shadow. He always has something new every time I see him," Torch said as he got up as well. "I just chose not to question the things he does." Torch said before exiting the conference room.

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