Months Later

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So just like the title says this is four months later and Alejandro and Kevin have cleaned up crime not just in Washington but all over the world.

Kevin/Shadow still refused to reveal himself to the world. So Aljandro/Ace was the only one who the world recognized. Even though Alejandro/Ace has tried to find other people with powers to form a team. None of them have accepted the invitation.

will here's another chapter enjoy:)


During the past four months I've learned that I'm a human solar panel. At least that's what Kevin says. I'm able to absorb sun rays and because of that I can use heat vision. Absorbing energy from the sun is another theory that Kevin has of why I'm so strong. I also found out about my super breath. If I suck in large amounts of air I can release it all at once and I'm able to blow things away. With the same air force as a regular hurricane.


"Hey Alejandro come look at this." Kevin said as he worked on his computer.

"What is it?" I replied as I walked up to him.

"This guy's been robbing banks and stores over the past month all over the world. He also has powers he can fly and has super strength too. But that's all I know about him." Kevin said as a picture went on the screen.

It was sort of a blurry picture but I could still make out his features. He wore a small mask that just covered his eyes. Just like how Shadow has his. He was wearing a black suit with a dark cape.

"Looks like he copied my outfit." I said as I let out a small laugh.

"He's robbed many banks and stores and you focus on his outfit?" Kevin said sounding a little annoyed.

"You can't be serious all the time. Without that mask on you used to be happy and actually laughed.once in a while. But lately you've been all serious and stuff even without it. An now you're scaring the bad guys into confessing their plans to you. What happend?" I told him as I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever nothing in life is always what you expect it to be." He replied. "I've found out where this guy is going to strike next. He's going to strike in New York City around somethime in the afternoon." He said as he shrugged my hand off.

I couldn't force Kevin to tell me what was bothering him. But I wasn't going to let him go so easily. "But there are too many buildings and civilians there. But how come this is the first time I'm hearing about him? If he's been doing this for over a month." I replied.

"I've been handling this case solo but I couldn't handle it. He is just like you strong, fast, able to fly, and his skin is just like yours too. So that's why you need to be careful. Don't go into a fight with this Guy." He replied as he looked at me.

"I can handle myself no one has been able to keep me down. An why have you been going solo, I thought we were a team?" I asked squinting at him.

"Well he might be your match and you can't fight him because it's a too public place. Also me going solo isn't your concern." He replied with a small smirk.

"It is when soomething happens to you and you don't come back!" I yelled out.

He looked at me with a confused and a slight shocked look. "I can handle myself and don't worry about me. Go to New York I got other business to do." Kevin said as he started to walk away.

I wanted to say something but I was done with all his secrets. "Fine then, partner." I took my ear piece off and placed it near his keyboard. Then I flew out of his hideout and headed to New York City.

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