Chapter 1. Know the story!

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Love a very simple yet get complicated word this word can bring the worst as well as the best out of anyone.

Love in childhood or teenage is innocent and pure.....but when we get to know that our love love someone else we feel betray.
That's what happened with Divya when she got to know about her love having a long term girlfriend since school, she had to give up on him ...can you ever control your feelings?No right!!
Even after years after so many years now even when she is a officer she can't forget him...can't move on then she was 15 now she is 25....strange but when you love someone u can't easily forget him.
[POV:Now she met Raghav directly after completing her school. And she is not aware of the fact that the couple broke up years back just after completing school].

Rhagav on the other hand got to know about Divya's feelings for him in schl. But he was back then too busy with his girlfriend. And after becoming an officer he cares for nothing now. He thinks his heart is void of love now....but it's not so.He meets Divya (his junior in his very first posting in Lucknow as an IPS officer). And neither he cares to tell her about the breakup nor she talks about it.
But Raghav always had have a soft corner for her. His jolly nature come out only in front of his best friend Dhruv and now Divya.

[POV: His girlfriend Sirsha left him while he was preparing for UPSC because according to his girlfriend she cant be with someone who is preparing for something so impossibleand toughest exam And not sure of getting into some gov job. And....... then the history speaks  now on his behalf!!]

Background of Characters

Rhagav Chaudhary. Ips officer in Lucknow. He spend his childhood in Delhi. Studied in ROYAL WORRIER SCHOOL DELHI. He is currently 26 years old. Senior of police in Lucknow.
He is extremely handsome, naughty, jolly Character 😊 full of life, daring , supportive lean frame now due to betrayal he is turning his jolly character to a silent one. Light Pink lips with a deep Dimple on his right cheek that does nothing but makes hirls keep on their knees when flashes that dimple. Dark brown eyes and smooth jet black hair that freelly fally on his forehead increasing his attractiveness. Stubbled face. Only child of his parents. He was extremely loved and pampered by his parents but not exaggerated to be spoiled. He was one of the most popular student due to his personality and handsomeness. 
Father: Rahul Chaudhary( businessman ower of the leading company of Lucknow 'THE SKY HIGHENTERPRISES')
Mother: Anu Chaudhary   (businesswoman has her own very famous makeupbrand and company )

Divya Mahotra. Ips officer. Junior police officer in Lucknow. 
She has one year old elder brother Dhruv who is a IAS officer in Lucknow.  She is currently 25 years old.
She is cute bubbly character. Healthy but a beautiful frame. She has honey brown eyes. Long hair black hair and cute lips. Stubborn and hot headed. But equally understanding and mature at times. She
She was in her teenage when she feel really hard for her senior Raghav Sharma and after a year or two she came to know that she had a girlfriend and her hope was scattered to decided to give up but her heart don't listen to her till today when she is 25 years old she longed for Raghav and somewhere unknown to her she waited for him all these you doesn't know about the breakup of Raghav and continue to believe that Raghav is in a relationship after almost 7 years Rhaghav as her senior officer in Lucknow and a part of her still wants to be with him.
Father: Raj Manhotra(a senior manager in gov. Sector )
Mother: Nei Manhotra(housewife and baker)
Brother: Dhruv Manhotra(IAS Officer)
(Bhabhi)Sister in law: Aditi prem Manhotra(fashion designer, owns her own fasion firm and a businesswoman)

[ POV:She was not overly loved and pampered but had understanding parents. Was Never forced to do something. She was treated as equally as her brother and was always given freedom.]

What will happen when they are forced in an arrange accidentally will Raghav able to accept her will she will even try to win Raghav again will she love Raghav again? Join me in the journey of love.
Huyi Mei Teri Jooganiya!!

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