Chapter 68

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Rhagav's Pov

"And you can only collect all the proofs and evidences about Shirsha and Tiger only by keeping her close." She spoke and I nooded.
"That doctor was planted by Shirsha herself?! And you knew that. And that day when you and Dhruv were out the entire day it was because of this reason? You guys knew she is coming back, she will come back. " Divya said looking at me, her eyes held a lot of emotions, I can understand that.

"Yes, I knew she is coming back and will try to plot against all of us. So to keep you and all of our family out of danger,it was plan, I had to pretend to be still in love with her, believe her fake domestic violence stories and be heartless to you. And that day by our secret investors we got to know that Tiger is planning to plant Shirsha in our house to collect information...because he knows that she was one of them who was close to me and my family and who can give these details about me and my family to him. So he is using her against us.
That day from the investigator we got to know that Shirsha after she passed out of school and we broke up, after and during our breakup she had been with many people, unfortunately she got pregnant but nobody knows whether she abort the baby or not, but all of a sudden she disappeared. And after almost 2.5 years again she was seen in USA, with her rumored Husband, a famous and rich businessman, ROMAN. There was rumor that both are married, but than Roman died, and Shisha was accused of his death." I said.
And I saw her eyes held questions..while looking at me
"How, how did he die?"
"Overdoseage of sleeping pills, the police said, and they said Shisha used to buy it for herself but doctors said she had no traces of meds in her body but the same meds were found in Roman's blood in high amount, nobody was found in house,by the next day of investigation, neither the househelps nor Sirsha. Unfortunately a maid spoke the truth."

"What truth?!" Divya almost whispered.
"That it was Shirsha who used to mix medicines of depression and sleeping pills daily in Roman's food, and it was Shirsha only who made all kinds of marks on her own body to showcase herself as victim. She married him because of money and from the very first day she was giving him slowpoisen, so that after his death she can over take all his property and business, and show the police that Roman was under depression and used to beat her, but Roman was smart, he recorded every movement of Sirsha also he before few days of his death made legal papers of his property and business saying that after his death all his property would be donated to NGOs and orphanages and his business would go in government's hands. And Shirsha wasn't aware of any of these legal bonds. So After Roman's death when cops tried to investigate Shirsha escaped with Tiger's help to India and found Tiger's help to make a story and to get back to us" I spoke about everything which happened that day and all that Dhruv and I got to know.
"But why is he doing that?! And why is Shirsha doing all these?" She asked, her voice sounded tired.
"I don't know Shirsha's reason but Tiger, he is doing all these, one to stop me from re-investigating his case, and two to escape the jail. Because if this time his case reopened then he will either be encountered or kept in isolated jails, just like I got to know that that Tiger is able to control and operate all his underworld business and crimes from inside the jail, he through his men got to know that I am investigating his case secretly. So he's using Shirsha to stop me. I know I did very wrong with you it's the worst I did as a husband, as a man and confessing all these doesn't my actions, but Divya I-I I don't how to ask you this but please, please don't go, please I beg of you, don't leave me, please give me a last chance. Please come back" I begged taking her hands in mine and going on my knees, I didn't even realize I has tears in my eyes until I felt them rolling down on my cheeks and waited for her reaction. I realized her face can hide emotions really well, but her eyes they are held an ocean of emotions in them.
But she, who was looking constantly at me turned her eyes and walked forward without saying anything...
And stood a little away from him, her back face me.
For a very long time she didn't speak anything so I spoke and then "Rhagav I don't-"
"I LOVE YOU DIVYA,I Really do..I love you.." I said...

Okay so what do you think will Divya give him a chance!?
Tell me you opinions also does Rhagav deserves another chance and should Divya give him a Chance?

I don't know if it's a bit short or not, but bare with me,this time, I am under academic stress. I hope you guys enjoyed reading, I will meet you in the next one
Unit then...

Bye bye
Take care
-pritihearts 💞💞
Love love 💖

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