Chapter 8

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Divya's Pov:

I was falling apart to see Rhagav in front of me after years. But when minister sir started introducing us the only thing I kept saying in my mind is that
'don't fall weak Divu...he's a changed man now maybe married or maybe not to his girlfriend but now he's no more a boy but a man, so behave as professional as you can, don't show your emotions to this man who have given you nothing but ignorance to your immense love, so now don't show your emotions to him'.
And it's true he's is changed, he is now no more a boy but a man now,maybe he's married because he was deeply in love with his girlfriend Shersha. His personality has changed so much he's tall maybe around 5'10 to 6'1 feet. Sone of his hair is falling on his forehead increaseing his hotness, yeah ofcause he's hot no doubt on that, his physic...he is much lean and muscular than later maybe he does gym like for hours.
'ok now stop drooling over him' my  mind reminded me. And just Rhagav extended his hand to him and I looked at it and then at his hand
'okay we are sharing a handshake'.
We shared a handshake and nodded at each other.
With that minister sir left the cabin leaving both of us in a awfully awkward situation so. Rhagav initially started "Divu...Divya...Ms Divya Mahotra right?"
Oh so that's how it's gonna be then.
Alright" yes Rhagav...Rhagav sir..I think we should start our day now" I's hurts to talk to someone like this you know foe years. Like strangers..but I have to maintain it as long as he does thats not ego but I have some self respect which I can't let down.
After that I asked him to him to guide me with my work and he did.. mostly being silent and slightly nodding if being asked something. Things are very complicated now. He left for a meeting with minister sir.
So while doing the paper work I was wondering why was he behaving like reason of behaving is reasonable but what's he's reason. He was in love with someone else and maybe he knew I loved him...but the main reason of my heart being scattered is why did he ignored's not like I was trying to break them apart. Then why can't we be atleast friends...why!!???
Thinking of all these my work got over.
And it was time to leave that's when Rhagav arrived.  'OK sir alright' I reminded myself.
I nod at him and he nodded as a reply...can't he speak atleast.
I don't know how but this huge glacier needs to break. Or else we won't be able to work together that's for sure. This awkwardness is gonna kill both of us. So one of us has to initiate to break the ice. He stood there for a minute as if wanted to say something but then shaking his head he left to the cabin to collect his things.
My car arrived and I left for home.
Reaching home I saw Dhruv playing with little Ishan. Ishan is indeed a bundle of joy,how can someone call him unlucky??
Ishan was running behind Dhruv and while running they towards me and Dhruv hide himself behind me and Ishan was trying to catch him from front. Soon they included me in it..and playing I forgot everything happening around me.."arreee mom and everyone attention plz!!!!" Dhruv said in a funny way mimicking as if he's on stage.."so today my friend Rhagav is gonna join us gor Divya did you got to know he is senior" he said that I couldn't react just slightly nodded with a small smile. " I'll go freshenup I'm a bid tired me for dinner then bye" I said and without letting anyone say anything I left..on stairs I was dii and Aditi standing as I look up  to there faces Aditi had a pity face as if she could understand my feelings and dii's face was void of expression she just patted my shoulder and went down. And before Aditi could say anything I stopped her and went up. As if she understood ne she nooded and went down.
I let out a sigh and went up to my room. Closing the door behind me I stood there taking the support of the door. Then controlling myself I went to the washroom did my business and just laid on the bed looking black at the ceiling. Thinking about today.

I heard a knock at the door and went for dinner. Rhagav was smiling widely and then smile can melt anyone's heart. Seeing him smiling my heart started beating fast.
He saw me coming down..his eye met mine. There is different emotion in his eyes since morning that I couldn't understand or maybe don't want to.
I gave him a small smile and nod and he did the same. Everyone was busy taking to him. While I was just sitting and observing him from time to time.
His jaws,eyes,lips were looking so perfect.  He was looking adorable while laughing and smiling. His hair was the best thing. It always looks so soft and silky I wish I could...'no Divya dont' I remind myself.

So dinner was done everyone enjoyed it seemed except me because I was quite. It was as if I was the guest and Rhagav was their family member.

I was standing on the terrace that's when someone came but I didn't turn.
"Ahem" I heard someone throat was a guy maybe dad, Dhruv or maybe...
"Ahh Divu..Divya" and I freezed.

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