Chapter 15

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Rhagav pov:

Running to the backyard..all I could find was emptiness. I was searching almost everywhere like a madman. I found a earring , yes! That's Divya's I know I have seen that and then at some distance I saw her phone. The call details were still shown. I picked it up and searched through, in a hope to find something, I saw a video was saved only a few minutes back when I played it I saw nothing but just the backyard maybe it started accidently I and was about to stop it then I saw that it was recorded that :someone was walking very quietly behind Divya wearing a black mask having a piece of black cloth and bottle in his hand and then few more men came then they nooded to each other and the other men started moving slightly towards both the sides of Divya being careful that she doesn't notice them...' the video ended maybe because of my call.. Now it was confirmed that this kidnapping was well planned.
I immediately left to take the car and left Chaudhary mansion taking my car I was heading towards station. On my way I called the officers and secret agent to start searching for Divya. I reached within 20 minutes I was driving really rough today. I called for the inspector and asked for update...there was none...immediately I called other stations of locality and informed them about the kidnapping also order them to find start the mission to find her immediately but this case should be kept hidden, If not then the kidnappers may get alert, change their location and even worst may harm Her. No!! I can't afford that. Nothing should happen to her.

I was getting restless with every passing second Divya's phone was continuously ringing so was mine. I had no time for phone call. Finding her and collecting evidences and clues are more important moreover if I pick any call I would say something to mine or her family which I would regret later. Taking a deep breath I mummerd to myself 'you need to calm down, focus, think out about a plan to find her...but to do so you need calm yourself down...'

I was thinking deeply of a plan. My phone rang again 'Dhruv' the ID says. I took a deep breath and picked the call up.
Dhruv:"Rhagav where the fuck are you??. Have you and Divya totally lost your fucking bastared..saale where are you???. I will slit your throat...speak up dammit. Neither you nor that idiot girl picking the phone you have any idea how have I managed to calm everyone down. I had to lie to everyone your parents,mine..that you guys had some work emergency...what the fuck is wrong with you!?...speak up.."
He shouted everything in one breath..and I heard him panting heavily.
"Dhruv I know you're annoyed,angry ,frustrated and what not but listen..listen to me very carefully.. you have not actually lie to both the families I am in an emergency situation but alone. Divya is not with me I know I shouldn't tell you like this on phone but don't panic please I have been panicking since the time I came to the station and now I plan something" I spoke very calmly as I know that he I'd only one to whom I can tell this.
Dhruv: " ok speak up..tell me what's wrong. I am ready to hear it. I know something has happened but what?" He breath deeply and spoke in a calm voice.
"Okay so Divya she has been kidnapped...I guess from the Chaudhary mansion itself when... when everyone was enjoying inside and she was outside in the parking area that time maybe that's the time when the kidnappers have decided to execute the plan because she was alone and it was the remote area of the house.
it was a well planned thing and I'm understanding it now so I have a plan.
We can't let the kidnappers no that we are investigating about Divya we have to pretend... pretend to be normal in front of the family as well because you know how much they will panic. Okay!?!........ Dhruv speak up..say something I know you are not a situation but please corporate think like an office for now not like a brother". I said everything in one go.
I can understand his dilemma but still we can't delay our plan and let anything happen to Divya at any cost.
Dhruv:"I'm coming there we'll talk there after I reach!."
"As you say but please drive safe or better take your driver " I said
"I'll come wait..and make thr plan ready. We'll start working on it immediately after I hear the plan. " he spoke in a cold and flat voice.
I understand the Strom behind this cold voice, at this time he's ready to tear apart anything that would hurt Divya.

I rested my head on the headrest of the chair. 'Be safe Divya you have people waiting for you' I mummerd and started thinking of the plan and the procedure to execute the same.
Within 20 minutes Dhruv was sitting in front of me. His eyes were swollen and red I know he cried. "Did you drive yourself" I asked and he nodded. I saw Aditi running in behind Dhruv "Aditi why did you come here? Haven't I.." He was speaking when she hold hos collars are hugged him and  mummerd " It's OK Dhruv cry if you want's OK.. I love you...and you know Divya loves you soo much. So just for now be strong and let's work on finding her" Aditi said.
And Dhruv hugged Aditi tightly and cried his heart out like a baby. After few minutes of crying he pulled himself together and calm himself.  Offering him water I spoke" ok now? Let's start then officer".
"Yes officer much better. Let's start" he said and smirked at me.
we sat and discussed the plan after sending Aditi with a officer back to home. As it's confidential. And she said she'll try to handle things at home.
It's 7 am the morning when came out of my cabin with a full prove plan. And now the first task is to find the address of the kidnappers.
We made a special team of secret officers ready for the plan and discussed the same plan with them.
It's time for some action now.

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