Chapter 61

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Rhagav's Pov

It started raining, pouring heavily as if even the sky is shedding its tears along with Divya,.
I kneeled infront of her, took  her Tears stained face in my hand and wiped her tears "they are precious and I have made you shade a lot of them, but I won't from now on, I will try every possible thing to make it up for you, I promise "
I tried taking her in my arms with fear and hesitation..of what if she doesn't like it, by wrapping my hands around her.
Seeing her not protesting I heaved a sign of relief and held her tight, her body was shaking vigorously, so as mine I didn't realize even I was crying seeing HER CRYING..after a while she seemed to calmed down.. her body stopped shaking..with shaking voice she asked "Why...why do you want to do that for me...huhh?!! When you still love HER..Please Rhagav don't say something that you can't fulfill, since my early teenage I have seen you loving her, loving her, adoring her and praising her as if you worship her. And now your behavior says otherwise, I have never said this but you know I have never expected you to love me after this marriage but atleast have appreciate me that i am also a flesh and blood human being, consider me that i have emotions too."
I still didnt let her go but kissed her hair before speaking" I have to say something to you Divya..rather confess my part of story..please will you allow me to.."
She didn't say anything, but I knew her eyes and silence meant she wants to hear.

"Why is that so?"

"That is because...
After our 12th was over we promised to each other that we'll always stay in touch and put efforts no matter what we study and how long the distance is. But Jay once found that Shirsha was constantly visiting hospitals and was also in touch with one of his distant cousin...I choose to ignore it for almost 2 years because i believe her,but when I went to a hospital to see my aunt who had surgery recently i saw a boy around mid 20's was accompanying Shirsha for a ultrasound, for a stomach ultrasound with another boy standing by her side. I started to talk to hospital staff because it was dad's hospital about the her - Why she is here? Is she too having a surgery or something?? Who is the boy with her??
On my request one of the staff member answered all my questions saying She was here for her routine check-up because she was 3 to 4 months pregnant and the boy with her was her boyfriend... or maybe someone else they dont know.They said that there was a different boy the previous time and for the matter everytime there is a different guy, i was shocked hear their reply  this is because I believed that both of us truly loved each other and she promised me to get married and wound wait for me to become something by my own and not depend on my father's was impossible for me to believe that she would betray him.
In order to remove my doubts I  contacted Jay and he with his mutual friends confirmed it was true that she was expecting a baby. I caught her red handed when we plotted a plan against her on her birthday..Jay's cousin called her to his mansion to celebrate her birthday...and the rest you know is a history"..

While saying this unexpectedly there was no emotions of sadness over me, it was a emotions of betray and sympathy that I was having over myself to be that naive at that moment....I was facing the road and Divya was looking straight to my face, so I turned to her and held her hands in mine softly "Believe wasn't hatred or because of love for Shirsha that I pushed all emotions of love or care and people away from me, it was because I was too afraid, too timid, to scared to accept the fact that not everyone is the same".

The rain was coming down hard, and the wind was whipping through the trees. Both Divya and I stood there, in the middle of the road, our tears were mixing with the raindrops.
We both knew that have a lot more to say, talk to each other but talking more than this at this moment didn't felt right. The unexpected rain always brings unexpected surprises with sometimes might feel out of the blue but everything happens for a reason.
Suddenly, the eye contact seemed to become too interminable...
She pulled me by the collar into a hug, i was shocked, i didn't expect her to..she wrapped her arms around my neck all of a sudden I  felt all of my pain and sadness start to melt away. I felt a comfort a shelter, a warmth. I held her close, and we stood there in the rain, just holding each other.....
After a while, we pulled away and we looked into her eyes again...

As if the eyes said sometime unsaid that no one could hear..

She leaned towards me slowly..I felt, I was scared of her reaction, pulling me by my collar she stood on her toes to match each other's height. I suddenly felt her lips touched mine and jolt of electricity passed over me...we are kissing!!,she is kissing me!??
And it was the most perfect kiss i have ever experienced.

The rain was coming down even harder now, but we didn't care. Maybe were too lost in each other's arms, and nothing else mattered.
We kissed for a long time, until finally we had to come up for air.

I tried writing a kissing scene..but couldn't write it properly 🙃 😅...pardon me for know it's a sad with a pinch of romance scene in rain...a romantic Bollywood type of setup.
That's all for this chapter guys.
I hope you liked it.

I will see in the next once, until we meet..

Take care 🙂 ❣️
Bye bye
-pritihearts 💕💕
Love love

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