Chapter 41

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Hey lovelies I'm writing another story. Please do check that out too. Shower you love a little to my next story too.
Thank you.
Enjoy reading.

Author's Pov

Hearing everything all the women become very upset and that group included Mohini's mother too. Mrs Manhotra ran to Divya and asked her million times if she was ok or not, why didn't she called, how this happend and etc etc. She was continuously kissing her daughter's face and had glassy eyes. She hugged Divya and Mrs Chaudhury came and consoled her. Mrs Manhotra glared at Mrs sardha and seeing those fire filled eyes Mrs Sardha gulped visibly and Mrs Manhotra said "Mrs Sardha this is worst that your daughter did. I would have really called the cops if Divya wouldn't have stopped me. I WANT MOHINI TO PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE TO MY DIVYA. YOU SHOULD THANK YOUR DAUGHTER'S STARS THAT DIVYA IS SO SENSIBLE"
Mrs Manhotra said in a roaring voice. To which Mrs Chaudhury and all others supported her and Mrs Sardha nooded looking awkward.
she in order to save Mohini started her acting and went to Divya and hold her hands  "Oh my god I can't believe that Mohini did this, so sorry Divya beta, Mrs Manhotra but don't worry she won't repeat this again. Moreover it's betwwen friends na? So well..umm..I guess we shouldn't involved cops here!" Mohini mother (Mrs Shardha) said with sugar-coated voice. Mrs Chaudhury told the other ladies to take Mrs Manhotra to the room. But Hearing this Rhagav was hell angry and without a word he hold Divya and his mother's (Mrs Chaudhury) hand and went towards Mohini and Anjali's room Mrs shardha closely followed them as well as the others. Divya was taken to her room by others and. Rhagav and Mrs Chaudhury followed by Mrs Sardha went to Mohini's room
They reached Mohini's room and Mrs Sardha, Mrs Chaudhury and Rhagav went inside when she opened it. Mrs Chaudhury asked Anjali to go out of the room. And after that Mohini asked "Mom aunty what happened?why-" she was cut-off by Rhagav "what happened!!? Don't you know what happened? Don't you want to give a explanation for what you did??" He asked in a dangerous voice, Mrs Chaudhury hold Rhagav's arm and he closing his eyes inhaled deeply. "Fo-For what?" Mohini said suttering a little. "For harassing My daughter, my Divya" Mrs Chaudhury said with authority.  "Ohh ohh Aunty I  didn't harass her, it was friendly prank that's all" Mohini said casually.
"Yea-yeah it was just a prank take it like that between friends, and I promise Mohini will apologise for this to Divya" Mrs Sardha said covering her up.
"Apologise..for WHAT?? HUHH?? I am not going apologise, for just a prank" Mohini said with arrogance.  Seeing the arrogance dripping from her voice Rhagav brust.  "PRANK...IT WAS JUST A PRANK FOR YOU??? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPEN IF SHE HAD CLAUSTROPHOBIA ANY SUCH ISSUES WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED  THEN????". Seeing Rhagav shouting for Divya and Mrs Chaudhury was saying nothing.  Mrs Sardha said "Yeah yeah Rhagav, she will apologise infront of everyone." Mrs Chaudhury replied "she better do that, and thank your stars that she refused to file a complain against this. Anyway, Sardha and Mohini please remember I don't want such thing to be repeated again or the consequences will be bad" Mrs Chaudhury said and Both Rhagav and she left.

In the Jay-nikita, Dhruv-Aditi, Kathan-Priyanka Tanisha-Tarun were sitting in the master room with Divya and were talking trying to distract themselves from the anger they had on Mohini for pulling out such stund  today.

As Mrs Chaudhury and Rhagav were in lift and Mrs Chaudhury floor about to come she suddenly spoke " Rhagav I think you are falling for Divya. I can feel that. You are progressing in your relationship that's good." She spoke smiling, hearing this Rhagav froze and his ears turned red. Some how she spoke " N-No-no mom, it's not what you see. I wa-wa-was ju-just......".
" Protecting her like a husband, lover or a boyfriend does. Protect their love." Mrs Chaudhury completed his sentence.
"No mom I'm not. Mohini was wrong that's why I took a stand for Divya and I'm not falling for her" Rhagav said and he spoke the last sentence very lowly and muttered a inaudible  'maybe'.
"Rhagav love is a feeling that can not be explained. It's ok. I said what i felt, it is what I'm seeing that's all" Saying this she went out of the lift as the door opened and stood infront of it facing Rhagav and continued "Think about it. It takes time to fall in love with the right person. But think about what I said." She smiled softly and the door closed leaving Rhagav alone and confused inside the lift.
He went back to his room and before opening his room's door he glanced back at the masters bedroom, where everyone is sitting along with Divya and he knew that the room is empty and if he stayed alone then his mind would be filled with the thoughts of what his mom said, but he still chose to be alone. He was hell tired so he decided to clear his mind and stop thinking about Divya that's why taking a shower he sat on the bed and took his phone out, scrolling the friendsbook, and Instagram he thought to post something online. So he scrolled through the gallary to post and he found Divya's last night drunk video when she talking to the dog, he didn't even realize while seeing her cute acts she was smiling, realizing that "what am I doing to myself,  Rhagav stop smiling like a fool, ufff, whyyyy Mahadev, why am thinking about her?? But do I don't think about it...but then why did I's because I was drunk,. That's all end of story. But if thinks this is love then what was it  that I had with...,". Muttering all these he closed his eyes and breath deeply. He went to the room's big window from where the moon and the sea was visible clearly, he opened the large sea facing glass window and the window gushed in, looking at the sky he whispered "Hyy Mahadev, Even though everything is messed up now, but my mom believes a lot in you, so I hope whatever happens will happen for the good." The soft wind was touching his face and a drop of tear ran down his cheek. "Why did you do that to me. Why did you broke me to that extent that today I'm scaredor maybe I hate this feeling of love!!?" He whispered again and soon more tears run down his cheeks.

After dinner,which was quite and not so enthusiastic like other days, they decided to go for a walk as it was their last night in Goa so all the couples went out around 9 pm after getting ready in some Goa-type wears.

Nikita-Jay went to Baga Beach .This beach has some wonderful cafes and shacks that play some amazing music. To enjoy the night life of Goa there was a small concept going on. So they sat at the last row, and relax
Kathan-Priyanka went to Shiva Valley
A café that is also famous as a temple of trance on a bike.
Aditi-Dhruv said they will come back late and went to some club 'Club Titos' after changing "go go you guys have rested enough in the morning now drain yourself again" Tanisha said smirking and all giggled a little after so long.

Tanisha-Tarun went to some café for ice cream and relaxing music.
Divya-Rhagav went to Arossim beach, which is nearby, sat on in a beace café there which was made of glass. Taking a icecream from there they went to shore of the beach and Relaxed under the clear sky while looking up at the twinkling stars it has a definite charm to it, it felt wonderful and magical to both of them. They started taking a little nad Divya said "Are you still upset because of that morning incident.."
"I was scared Divya. That's why I'm upset. You know for the first no this was second time Divya in my entire life that I felt helpless." He replied looking at the sky.
"But..why" she whispered.
"I don't know the actual reason, at this moment but I was scared after that Tiger's..." he exhaled and continued "I don't want to think about that, all I can say is Divya be careful and always keep your phone with you. Please" he spoke sofly.
"I will thank you Rhagav" she replied smiling softly. He looked at Divya and kept looking at her 'I don't know Divya whatever this feeling is. Love or not but one thing today I promise to myself I don't know if ever I will able to love you I don't know that but never in my life I will cheat on you. NEVER. I will protect you I will  be with you no matter what.' He thought to himself looking at her. "What happen? " Divya asked in a soft voice looking into his eyes.
"Nothing "...and he looked towards the waves of the sea 🌊 they are becoming huge as the night is getting young.

A soft music was played in the background...

Morning 7:30

All started packing their stuff into their suitcases. By 10:30 all bags and suitcases were packed and the boys helped their mothers with their shopping bags.
In the hotel the reception all were present there, except Mohini Anjali and her Mrs Sardha, the bell boys kept their bags in the cabs 🚖 for rhe station. Checking out they were about to leave when they heard "Mrs Chaudhury,  Mrs Manhotra Divya and Rhagav stop stop please."
They stopped and saw Mrs Sardha, and Mohini standing in front of them. Mohini had the same arrogant face.
"Uhh..I stooped you all because Mohini wants to apologize for her behavior towards Divya." Mrs Sardha said.
"It's not needed--" Divya was cutoff "No. I did a mistake, I wasn't aware that you don't have the phone with you. So I just wanted to play a prank on you. And this happend I'm sorry" Mohini said with a hint of annoyance and itritation rolling her eyes and left immediately..
"I'm also sorry on her behalf 😅 my daughter did a small prank but it turned out to be a disaster. Anyway safe journey. Thanks that you didn't complain otherwise it would harm our repytation " Mrs Sardha said and flipping her hair she went off.

Huyi Mei Teri Jooganiya Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora