Chapter 18

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Rhagav pov:

Now it's time for the actual action. We know the location, we have made our officers ready. Now we just have to make the final part of our plan successful.  We are waiting for the afternoon to leave for the Khushwant village. 
It's 10:30 am and I have came back home and send Dhruv to change and tell his family not to worry about Divya. Neither Dhruv's nor my family knows about the kidnapping they are still thinking that Divya is busy with work. Though I got to know aunty (Divya's mom) is becoming a bit restless but Aditi is handling her.
I think that's why it's said that a child and mother are always connect by a strong invisible string, and a mother even without saying understands everything.
I was sitting in the pool area dripping my legs in the water looking at the reflection.  Praying for the success of our plan so that Divya could be saved.

Author's Pov

The plan was that the officer will go in civil dress there will be only four cars. Two will enter one by one  and a max distance from each other exactly after 10 minutes. The other two cars will be kept ready and wait for the signal outside the factory area in such a place that no one can notice from that factory.Raghav And Dhru will be in one car and the other car will enter the area after 10 minutes. Rhagav will enter from the back side window cutting it's net and Dhruv will go to open terrace with gun having attached silencer. The other car's officers will mix up with Tiger's men. And attack them after 10 minutes of Rhagav's entry. Then Dhruv will give signal for entry of the other 2 cars and all of them will attack.

As per the plan Rhagav entered through the back window and Dhruv got to the Terrace there much less men so he easily attack ,all were injured he tied and stuffed all their mouth and in the mean time the officers had also attack Tiger's men and started putting them in the jeep 🚙 by tying them. Rhagav and Dhruv entered the room at the same time after giving the signal.
Rhagav when he saw that Tiger was trying to harass Divya he couldn't control his anger anymore and fired him. Dhruv was shocked and angry at the same time seeing his sister's condition.  He had tears in his eyes.
Tiger by that time broke the room's door and called his men and the fighting broke out. Firing started everywhere. Inside-out the factory everywhere.  Divya had lost her conscious by that time. In the whole firing scene Rhagav notice Divya he somehow managed to reach Divya but got shot in his arm the bullet touched his arm and hit the rod.
Dhruv signaled Rhagav to take away Divya and he would handle the situation but Rhagav carefully went out from the same window from which he enter taking Divya in his arms and went to keep her in the car. But Tiger noticed it. Rhagav came back and both, he and Dhruv were somehow able to handle, most of the men were injured but The main One Tiger was missing
Dhruv "Rhagav take Divu to hospital I'll have to now tell everyone the truth since we found and rescued her. Send me the location where u will take divu.. I'll take them(Tiger's men ) for treatment and inform my family and yours about the kidnapping. They will lashed out on me. That's for sure " Dhruv said and went and kissed Divya forehead and hugged Rhagav.
Rhagav smiled and nooded but suddenly an officer came and informed "Sir...Tiger is missing "
Rhagav and Dhruv looked at each other. Dhruv messaged Rhagav 'take Divya anywhere but not Hospital as Tiger is somewhere here and listening to us', but said aloud " Rhagav take Divya to hospital I'll find tiger later, but now we found his men so I'm taking them to the hospital " Saying this went in the factory to check if someone was left. Removing the big cardboard boxes he saw a boy in his 20's hiding there. Sensing this the boy closing his eyes started blabbering "Sir I'm sorry I don't know anything I'm not even involved in the kidnapping I just helped them to bring food. Don't beat me please ". Listening to this voice Dhruv started laughing and the boy goy confused and looked at him Dhruv made him Stand and said " helped us to reach here boy!! Don't worry you won't be harmed. You just have to be the witness in court for us. And help us, instead of that Tiger. Aur hai tera baby nei khane hai liya? (Did Your baby ate food? )" Saying this he smirked and took that boy with him in another jeep.

Rhagav started his car and looked at Divya "you need to be treated Divya....but if I take u to hospital then it will risk everyone's life along with yours...I'm so sorry!!". Saying this he started the car.

Tiger slipped out of the place and followed Rhagav. He went behind Rhagav and took some of his loyal men in a car and followed Rhagav's car....After sometime when Tiger thought that the cars were out of the range of the officers he started firing towards Rhagav's car. Rhagav too fired handling the steering wheel with great difficulty as his arm was also injured in this process Tiger failed to notice that a car is following him, that was the officer's car.
So now Tiger had no way to escape, he was trapped. His men were killed and he was injured. So he had to surrender.

But in all this Rhagav's car lost its balance and went towards the river. The breaks didn't work so Rhagav had to take Divya and jump off the car.
And they did. They both were badly injured and had nothing to ask help that fighting he didn't even realize his car taking a wrong turn. And now the situation is...though everything was fine now, Tiger and his men were attested but Rhagav and Divya were in such a place which they have no idea. Rhagav don't know the place while Divya was unconscious.

The place was like a very small tribal village..with only few houses. And the people of that village were good but they were very backward, orthodox and stereotypical type. And there is only one bus at the end and beginning of each month here. The villagers doesn't like strangers especially if a young boy and girl are together and they will either throw them out of the village or would kill them if worst.

Rhagav got to know know all these when he asked a biker about the place. That biker was also in a hurry to leave the place, cause probably he was with his girlfriend and not wife. It's almost night and whether was getting worst with every passing second. He needs to find a shelter....even If he has to lie for it.

Meanwhile Dhruv told his family in  about the kidnapping and Rhagav's mom and dad got to know about this late in the night when they Dhruv to ask Rhagav. He told what exactly happened leaving the injury part. He even informed that both Rhagav and Divya are safe. And they will reach home. Once they get some transportation. Though He told everyone not to worry but he was worried himself, even though Tiger was arrested still he wants to make sure both are fine.
He tried calling and after several unsuccessful tries, Rhagav finally picked his call ( Rhagav's phone was broken and screen was blank he somehow manged to pick rhe call by pressing the volume keys and randomly drawing patterns on the screen).
Dhruv :: "you guys are ok right? Why aren't you picking up the calling dammit? And where are you?"

Rhagav :: "Dhruv, broo sun(listen) we are ok. Divya hadn't gain conscious and I don't know where are we. It's some tribal village maybe. I don't know. The area is weird, no transportation and the people are also tribal ones as I got to know. My phone's screen is black so I don't think I'll be able to call you back or receive calls"

Dhruv :: "accha you guys are fine that's what I want to know. I'm relieved. And about your location I'll trying tracking it. Don't worry we'll find you. Till then be safe. Find a shelter whether is getting worst. Bye"

Rhagav :: "yes. Bye"

Saying this the call disconnected and Rhagav signed now he has to find a shelter!!!

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