01| Drunken Decisions

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The night had just begun. Lights flashed across the buzzing dance floor in Club Miroh as strangers danced with each other, singing at the top of their lungs, and drinking like there was no tomorrow. Others were hidden away in the dark corners doing acts that really shouldn't be done in public and that they'd probably end up regretting in the morning.

Fun; a good time that relieved stress and put a smile on your face.

Except fun was the last thing for the boy sitting alone on a barstool opposite the dance floor.

Han Jisung was quite literally drowning his sorrows in alcohol, drinking his sixth glass of soju while trying hard not to cry his eyes out. He felt so hurt, down, and betrayed. Completely heartbroken actually considering that his boyfriend of three years had just broken up with him over something really stupid and petty.

Out of all the days in the week, month, and year, the guy decided to choose today, the night of their third-year anniversary. Their fucking anniversary.

So here he was drinking and drinking some more until everything became numb. And it was slowly working, his mind already hazy and unresponsive. He didn't necessarily want to get drunk, but he couldn't stop himself. Jisung hated drinking whenever he was sad or in a bad mood. Today was an exception though, he needed to forget the pain even if it was only temporary and it gave him a fucking bad headache tomorrow.

He grabbed the bottle of soju off of the bar's counter and poured himself another glass. He'd paid for it so he might as well finish it. Abruptly someone sat down beside him and gave Jisung a grin. In return, he rolled his eyes and sighed before throwing his head back as the burning alcohol flowed down his throat.

"Keep drinking like that and you'll pass out."

"Don't care," Jisung shrugged.

"I know you don't but I do. I refuse to carry your blacked-out ass back home all by myself. Stop drinking... at least come and dance with me for a little."

"Dancing's for when you're happy and in case you haven't noticed, I'm not happy."

The person beside him was growing impatient.

"Dancing's to let out pent-up emotions. Come on, Jisung-ah, even if you make an idiot out of yourself on the dance floor you've had too many drinks already to remember anything by the morning. Let's go!"

"I don't want to- No, no... " Jisung whined as he got pulled onto his feet and dragged away from the small comfort bubble he had at the bar.

"You'll feel better!"

"I guarantee you I won't!" Jisung shouted over the deafening music. "Hey, Hyunjin!" he yelled at his best friend when the blonde went too fast and almost tripped him.

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