03| Marriage Certificate

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Opening the door to his apartment, Jisung stumbled back a step as a pillow smacked him in the face. On instinct, he caught it and blinked. He looked down at it in surprise before looking up and locking eyes with his brother.


The freckled blonde staring back at Jisung looked distraught. Like he'd been crying for a while, he also looked like he hadn't slept at all. Jisung immediately felt his heart drop. He hated it whenever Felix got upset but to know that he was probably the reason why he was upset right now made him feel terrible.

"Lix, why are you crying--" Jisung asked but got cut off as Felix flung himself at him.

"Where were you?! I was so worried!" Felix cried.

He wrapped his arms tightly around Jisung and buried his face in his brother's neck. Jisung immediately shushed him and calmly stroked a hand up and down his back. Felix balled up his fist and hit Jisung in the back, not soft but not too hard either. He was just so worried something had happened to Jisung. He'd stayed up the whole night crying his eyes out. Texting and phoning Jisung's number only to get no response. He even called Hyunjin but he was absolutely no help whatsoever.

"I'm okay," Jisung reassured. "I'm sorry, Lix."

He pulled back to wipe the tears cascading down Felix's cheeks with his thumb. Felix slowly calmed down until he was only slightly hiccupping. He sniffed and stared up at Jisung through wet eyelashes. Felix then hit Jisung in the shoulder one more time for good measure.

"I fucking hate you!"

"No, you don't," Jisung chuckled and smiled.

Felix only sighed before shaking his head lightly and wiping away the remaining wetness from his face with the back of his hand. He then proceeded to check Jisung from top to bottom with only his eyes before falling down on the couch behind him.

Jisung knew very well that he was getting the silent treatment now. If he didn't care so much about Felix's feelings he might've been happy. He was still trying to recover from his hangover after all. His head was pounding and to try and ease the pain he gently massaged his temples. But he didn't give up on trying to cheer his twin up.

"I'm sorry, Lix. Really... I was in a bad mood yesterday so Hyunjin took me out to relax a bit. It's my fault I came back now," Jisung tried to explain. "Please don't be mad at me Lixie," he begged.

He fitted his chin on Felix's shoulder who was outright trying to ignore him. Jisung acted cute. He fluttered his eyes and pouted with his cheeks puffed out. And then he whined in tiny to try and get Felix's attention. Felix could pretend all he wanted but when it came to Jisung he could never stay mad. He sighed before a defeated smile reached his face and he pushed Jisung's head away from him with a flick to his forehead. Jisung winced as pain shot through his skull and his eyes involuntarily shut with a small groan.

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