12| Another Surprise

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You know the feeling like the world is against you?

Well, Jisung felt like this perfectly described his life right now.

That saying that bad things come in three. Two of the three already happened to him. Juyeon broke up with him and then he drunkenly married the so-called Prince of Seoul. Now Jisung was just waiting for that third bad thing to happen. He wondered how long it would take and what more the universe could throw at him.

Yesterday was a disaster. Possibly one of the most anxiety-filled days he'd had in his life so far. His husband. Lee Minho. The one person he was hoping to never see until the day they could divorce one another showed up at Han Corp. And it gave Jisung one of the worst panic attacks he'd ever had. 

The last thing he remembered was locking eyes with Minho in the meeting room and the next thing he knew he was safe at home in his apartment. Whatever happened in between those two events was a complete blur to his memory.

Jisung sighed at the thought of yesterday.

His cousin didn't even bother calling him to ask about it. Jisung was grateful for that, probably more than Yoongi will ever know. He didn't need questions or a lecture because he was pretty sure as soon as his father found out he bailed on the very meeting he promised to go to he was dead.

Felix was at work so Jisung was alone at their apartment. Normally, he'd miss his twin's presence more than anything but today he'd rather just be alone. Just him and his thoughts. He postponed going into the studio yet again. He hated doing that but his mind wasn't where it needed to be right now.

He climbed off his bed and opened up his closet. It was the middle of winter and the apartment thermostat was currently broken. A repair guy only being able to come and fix it sometime in the next two days. So it was safe to say that Jisung was cold as fuck right now. He rummaged through his hanging clothes trying to find a jacket or a hoodie to wear. 

His eye caught sight of something and he pulled it off the hanger with a small tug. It was a black sweatshirt. The material was soft under his fingertips and the familiar smell still lingered on it. Jisung stared down at it blankly. He wanted to hug the sweatshirt to his chest, maybe even wear it to keep warm like a comforting embrace but instead, he chucked it behind him and it landed on the floor.

It belonged to Juyeon.

Jisung didn't need it anymore.

The thing about Jisung was that once he got hurt by someone or something those emotions imprinted themselves deep inside. He couldn't just forgive and forget. He also had the unfortunate personality trait of completely shutting off when that happened. Even if his heart still wanted to give a second chance to something or someone his head just wouldn't let him.

Jisung ended up picking out all the stray clothes in his closet that weren't his. A green scarf, a white sweater, and a silk shirt. He threw them in a pile on top of the black sweatshirt that was already on the floor. He honestly couldn't tell if he planned on sending them back to Juyeon or planned on burning them to ashes out of hurt and spite.

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