38| Kitten Paws To The Heart

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Jisung was on his way to the studio, he'd decided to walk the three blocks there considering the weather report was clear skies. If he had a dime for every time the scheduled weather changed at the very last second. Clear skies turned into a heavy downpour of rain in the time it took him to walk half a block. He was soaked from head to toe and without an umbrella. He was about to turn around and head back to the apartment when the sound of car horns caught his attention.

Jisung frowned as he saw a taxi driver stop in the middle of a busy road. He was flipping the driver in front of him off something furious. The car in front of him was also another taxi but unlike the man behind him, he wasn't angry but looking more puzzled than anything. Jisung took a few steps forward until he could see what was halting the late rush hour up.


Two small furballs shivering in the middle of the road.

Jisung's eyes widened at the sight. They looked so helpless and defenseless. No one was bothering to get out and help them though. No, it was much more human of everyone to shout profanities and honk their car horns. Hopefully, the stray animals would shoo and they could go back to their night of busy, busy schedules. Jisung couldn't believe how heartless some people could be or most people could be.

He glanced from right to left at the traffic before running into the road. He probably looked like a Good Samaritan. Drenched completely from the rain and helping two kittens from becoming roadkill. He didn't care. They were assholes for not doing the same. Jisung crouched down and carefully picked them up into his hands. They were dripping wet just like him and not even two handfuls big. They must've only been weeks old, maybe even only a week old.

Jisung ran back to the sidewalk and set them down on the ground under a bus stop shelter. He took off his jacket and wrapped them up in it. He guessed it wouldn't do much to keep them warm, they were wet and it was wet, but he didn't have anything else.

He stared at the two with a sigh, not having the faintest idea of what to do next. Take them to an animal shelter? Take them home? Take them-

His phone rang in his pocket interrupting his racing thoughts.

Jisung reached for it and without checking the caller ID answered. He placed it between his shoulder and ear as he bundled the two kittens a bit better.


"Hey, Hannie."

Jisung recognized the voice and wanted to sigh. As much as he enjoyed his conversations with Minho, and as much as the older made his heart beat faster, now wasn't exactly the perfect time for a quick chit-chat.

"Hyung- "

"I know it's a little late but I remember you saying you don't sleep early. I wanted to ask if you're free tomorrow?" Minho said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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