35| Art Appreciation

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Chanlix Chapter!!!

I hope you guys enjoy :)

I hope you guys enjoy :)

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Felix paced the living room nervously, fiddling with the ends of his jacket before bouncing on the balls of his feet. He swung his arms back and forth at his sides until it gave him sweater paws and then he just gripped the ends and started pacing again.

He was nervous, scared as hell.

When he went out for coffee with Chan the first time, he was fine. He was cool, collected, and calm. But that was because he didn't have any expectations. No hopes that it worked out or it didn't work out. Truthfully, then he didn't really care either way but right now was a different story. That was before he liked Chan and now that he liked him his heart was racing.

Would Chan still like him?

Would he still try and make him laugh?

Would he still show his gorgeous dimpled smile whenever Felix spoke?

The uncertainties were enough to kill Felix, his inner turmoil almost persuading him to call the entire day off. Almost. He didn't and instead released a breath, he felt himself calm down some and then a knock sounded at the front door. His nerves shot back and skyrocketed worse than ever. His body tingled and his hands trembled slightly.

He walked up to the door and peeked through the peephole. Chan stood on the other side, his hands behind his back and a cool expression on his face. He looked perfect. The epitome of a Greek god and here Felix felt like a goddamn trainwreck, thankfully though, he didn't look like one.

He took in another deep and quick breath, releasing it and shaking his head.

Lee Felix, he's lucky you gave him the time of day.

Stop being an insecure idiot!

You've got this!!

His three-second pep talk gave him the needed courage to actually twist the handle and open the door. He pulled it toward him and Chan's coolness disappeared faster than raindrops when they met the ocean surface. His smile brightened his entire face, lighting up his brown eyes and showing off his adorable dimples.

"Hi, angel!" he greeted sweetly.

"Hi, Chan-ssi," Felix said, smiling too.

The hands behind Chan's back fell away to reveal a bouquet of flowers, he held them out to Felix with a cheesy grin on his face.

"I don't know which are your favorite flowers yet," he admitted. "You mentioned you liked sunflowers when we had coffee, so... "

Felix's gaze dropped to the beautiful yellow flowers staring him in the face. Bright and colorful. He couldn't believe Chan had even remembered such a small detail. It was only something he said in passing when he saw a sunflower painted on the wall of the café. It made all of Felix's previous doubts and hesitations melt away. He took the sunflowers from Chan and sniffed them before looking back at the mechanic and smiling sincerely.

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