15| Coffee Break

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"That's crazy!"

"That is currently my life right now."

Yeji sat opposite Jisung at a small table in the middle of Starbucks. Like he promised, he had told her everything from start to finish. She was shocked, to say the least. I mean, who wouldn't be? One minute Jisung was in a relationship with his long-term boyfriend and the next minute he was married to a total stranger, a stranger who turned out to be very famously known.

"I can't believe that jerk broke up with you!" Yeji exclaimed in anger.

"Wait, what?!" Jisung stared at her.

He obviously wasn't expecting that.

"Hey, you're still stuck on that? What about the part where I got drunkenly married to a stranger the very same day?"

"Who cares," Yeji sighed with a roll of her eyes. "Good for you. Honestly, for being as drunk as you say you were you did really well."

"Well?" Jisung repeated in disbelief.

"Come on, Sungie," she gave him a cheeky grin. "You married Lee Minho. I never kept up with him and the media's drama, but even I know how hot he is."

"Yeji-yah, this is not the point."

"Then what is the point? Even if it's a mistake that's going to take a year to fix at least you're no longer with someone who doesn't appreciate you," Yeji stated defiantly. "You're an amazing person, Han Jisung. You're a passionate musician and composer, a kind and caring friend, and a decent boss despite hating your CEO position. And that jackass has the guts to complain about not getting enough of your attention!"

"I appreciate the compliments, but it's not that serious," Jisung tried to wave off. "Being a passionate, kind, caring, and decent person doesn't mean anything. Maybe he was right. Maybe I'm too focused on my stuff, my career, and my dreams that I kind of forgot about him."

"Like hell!" Yeji slammed her fist against the table.

The action drew immediate attention to them and Jisung scrambled to bow his head in an apology to the people staring at them.

"Hey, Yeji-yah, will you calm down," Jisung muttered.

"The next time I see Lee Juyeon I'm sticking my seven-inch heels where the sun doesn't shine," Yeji declared. "He obviously isn't the one for you."

"That's what Yoongi hyung said," Jisung mumbled with a sigh.

He could lie to the world but not to himself. He fucking missed Juyeon, he missed him like crazy. But the chances of them ever getting back together was less than 2% at best. Because when Jisung got hurt that was it for him. He couldn't just go back to before that and pretend nothing happened. It was his stubborn nature and he couldn't help it.

"Your cousin's right," Yeji said, now calming down some and putting her hand over Jisung's in comfort. "The right one won't make you feel bad for following your dreams. What's important to you will be important to them too. Sungie, trust me."

Jisung managed a small nod.

"Yeah, because I'm going to find someone else who will put up with my weird quirks and my over-the-top personality. Not to mention my insane working hours," he retorted.

From under the table, Yeji reached her leg out and dug her high heel lightly into Jisung's foot. He squeaked in surprise and pain. His eyes widened and he aggressively tapped Yeji's hand that was covering his. She released the pressure with a sugar-sweet smile on her face.

"Hey, shit that hurt!" he complained. "What the hell?"

"Not weird quirks but adorable habits. You also have the perfect personality ever. You're a hard worker, not a workaholic. And whoever takes the time to appreciate those qualities is going to be one lucky person! Understood?"

"Okay... " Jisung quietly said before laughing.

Yeji was amusing and cute when she worked herself up.

"Come on, be more confident," she urged.

"I understand."

"Not enough. Put some arrogance into it. Do you understand?!"

"I understand!" Jisung exclaimed if only to get her to shut up. "You're a dork," he murmured through a smile.

"I know," Yeji grinned happily.

Jisung didn't have self-confidence, he had arrogance instead. But only with certain things that were worth fighting for though. And in his mind, his ex-boyfriend wasn't worth fighting for anymore. His husband had to be tolerated for the time being. But his dreams had to be chased after until he accomplished them; they were something definitely worth fighting for.

Talking to Yeji didn't help much but at least he felt a bit better. She had this thing about her. Maybe that's why they were such close friends because when Jisung felt dejected, lost, or lesser than she could put a smile on his face and make him feel worth something again. Like a confidence slap to the face.

Screw everything.

Jisung had great friends and the best brother ever, so what if some things took a turn for the unexpected? He'd get over it. With time and at least one sad song as well as two moving-on songs, he should be good as new. Scarred internally because really his life was just flipped upside down but he'd persevere in the things he knew would last. Like his love for music and his passion for being a composer and a producer.

Jisung needed this; a coffee break to get his head straight.

He smiled at Yeji who grinned back at him, the two finished their coffees before Jisung dropped her off back at the company. He then went to his and Felix's apartment to catch up on some sleep before dealing with whatever tomorrow had to throw at him.

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