22| Early Surprise

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Minho went home to his family's mansion, he wanted to see his brother and sister and let them know that his secret was safe. Jin had been relentless in worrying and nagging him about it. Jisoo, on the other hand, was calm and supportive.

Minho tapped the number code in before using his fingerprint. He pushed the front door open and was immediately greeted by the security system, while also simultaneously almost knocking heads with his brother. He pulled back in surprise, his eyes wide.

"Welcome home, Minho-ssi," Blink's voice resonated.

"Hyung," Minho stared at Jin, who looked frantic and tossed a glance over his shoulder at something.

This only confused Minho, especially with the way Jin was purposely making himself bigger to block Minho out of sight. That was until he heard two very familiar voices, voices that shouldn't have been back in Korea yet.

"Is that Minho-yah?" a woman asked, sounding happy.

"Seokjinnie, let your brother inside," a man told Jin.

Their parents.

Minho's eyes blinked in panic, making himself smaller so he could be fully hidden by his brother's slightly taller frame.

"What are they doing back so soon?" he whispered.

"They caught an early flight," Jin muttered.

"Why didn't you text me?!"

"I was busy with it!"

Jin waved his phone in front of Minho's face, a text still being written to Minho's number but he must've arrived just a minute too soon to receive it.

"What are you two doing?" their father asked.

"Honey, come inside already. I missed you," their mother called out.

"Shit!" Minho cursed silently. He looked down at his left hand before quickly ripping off the wedding band from around his ring finger. 

Jin's face fell to disbelief.

"Why the hell are you still wearing it?!" he hissed.

Minho didn't answer and just carefully fitted the ring into his jacket pocket before zipping it up to make sure he didn't lose it. He then pushed Jin aside, plastering on a calm and happy smile. He saw his parents' faces, especially his mother's and she hurried to her feet before storming over to him for a hug.

"Oh, this trip was far too long for my liking," she complained. "I missed my children too much. How are you, darling?" she asked, patting Minho's back before pulling away and cupping his face in her hands.

"I'm fine, Mom," he laughed.

"You look a bit pale. Have you been eating and sleeping enough?" she asked, worriedly.

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