10| Scare After Scare

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Jisung sat on the floor in front of the living room coffee table. He planned on going to his studio today but at the last minute, he bailed on the idea. He was going to give himself one more day. Just one more day to wallow in his self-pity and poor life choices. Though he guessed the emotions haunting him right now could end up being one great sad song.

He wrote a word down and then tore the page out before crumpling it up and tossing it behind him. He tapped the back of his pen against the edge of his notebook. Jisung sighed and unknowingly his gaze was drawn to a face. The big ass portrait from the photography studio. His wedding portrait. He looked behind him and picked up one of the many crumpled-up balls of paper. He threw it at the picture and it hit his so-called husband in the face.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Jisung grumbled. "You and your perfect smile... you and your cocky smirk... You and your extreme hotness! This is all your fault! Why didn't you push me away? Ugh... you're gonna be the reason I get disowned!"

The door to his apartment swung open and in waltzed two people. One was a ray of sunshine while the other was a grumpy cat. Jisung looked from them to the portrait and back again. Quickly his expression changed and he scrambled to his feet.

"Why are you so jumpy?" Yoongi questioned.

"Hyung... " Jisung stared at him with nervous eyes.

"Hello! Hello! I heard you were feeling under the weather, Sungie. So I brought you some happiness and hope in the form of lemon-zested cupcakes! How did I do?"

"Great, good, thank you, Hoseok hyung," Jisung rambled out. 

His eyes kept darting to Yoongi but his vision of his cousin quickly got obscured when Hoseok hugged him.

"I was worried," Hoseok mumbled. "Most days I have to drag you out of the studio but this last week you haven't shown up once. Are you okay?"

"Fine, hyung," Jisung nodded. "Did Yoongi hyung tell you about... "

Hoseok glanced over his shoulder at Yoongi.

"He didn't say anything just that you weren't in the highest spirits right now. He said if you wanted me to know you'd explain it yourself."

"Of course he did," Jisung muttered.

Typical Min Yoongi. 

He never outed anyone's secrets unless they did it themselves. He also wasn't the type to stick his nose where it didn't belong. Even if it had to do with his family, he never bothered to nag or coax them for the truth. He was there to listen but otherwise, he didn't pry.

"I'll tell you," Jisung said. "But can I have a cupcake first?"

Hoseok smiled brightly at the younger boy before holding the box of baked goodies out for Jisung to take. As Jisung's fingers brushed against the pinkness of the packaging, he jumped sky-high when his cousin suddenly shouted.

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