Chapter 14

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Fuck me.

I was so close.

So close to claiming her mouth and becoming one step closer to getting what I want and I pulled back.

I said fucking no.

I don't even know why.

Her lips were centimetres away and when I looked into her eyes, I knew she wanted it. Knew she wanted me to breach the distance between us.

But then I also noticed the haziness swirling in with the grey-blue of her irises. The fatigue in her movements and barely there consciousness when she acknowledged that I spoke to her.

I don't know why but it just felt wrong in the moment. Almost like I was taking advantage of her weariness.

No. When I kiss her, she'll be fully aware of every movement both of us make. Every caress of my hands on her body, every glide of my tongue in her mouth. Every beat of her heart and every flutter of her stomach.

She'll be entirely wide awake and begging for more.

The thought gives me a volt of energy and I soar forward on the ice, averting an opposing player from Haven Prep, rounding him and speeding across the rink, hitting the puck at just the right time, allowing it to fly past the goalie and into the net.

Cheers erupt from our side of bleachers and I hear my teammates scream my name.

"My boy!" Oakley lifts his arm into the air as he uses the other to sling around my neck.

"Winning shot, baby." Jeremy skates up to us and raises his hand. I take it and he slaps me on the back.

I'm breathing hard, pride swelling in my chest.

We were down by two points in the first period. Tied at the end of the second and now the third is over and we've fucking won.

My team surrounds me and we all celebrate yet another success as we watch the other team retreat.

Once we're off the ice, I rip off my helmet and lift a bottle of water to my lips, downing half and then letting the rest land on my head as I shake it, sending droplets everywhere.

Damn is it fucking hot, right now.

Winning a game is always the best way to start a weekend.

Once I'm in the locker room, I head straight for the showers. Dousing myself in cold water before switching it to a hotter temperature.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I step out and then pick my phone off of a pile of my things, seeing that I've got a text from Madden.

Nice goal. Congrats.

I'll be waiting outside the locker room.

Madden attends Haven Prep so he came along to watch the game. In support of me and Oak, obviously. Though our schools are hockey rivals, we're his family and he watched this game for us.

As he fucking should.

I change into some sweats and then gather the attention of my team.

"Hey! You fuckers did great today. Another win for the books. Nice attacks, Mason. You cleaned your shit up good." I point to Oscar, one of our right wingers. "Now, I want you all to go and fucking celebrate, you understand?"

There's a collective shout of agreement and then I head for the door, saluting my friends on a farewell. 

Mads is leaning back against the wall to the left of the locker room. Surprise, surprise, surrounded by a crowd of girls.

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