Chapter 56

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The past week has been going well. Darius has started driving me home again, he 's been ready and waiting outside my classes like he did before.

He always asks me what I want to do, whether that be nothing or going out and he accommodates me every time. When I don't feel like doing anything, he won't do anything with me, when I want to get outside of the house, he'll take me out. And it's never boring. Even when all we're doing is sitting in my room.

Today he asked me to do something, though. He asked me if I wanted to go and hang out with his friends.

I was initially quite confused when I found out that they knew the whole time but after Dare explained everything, it made a lot more sense.

"So where are we going?" I look over to him, who's currently driving, one hand on the wheel, one on my thigh.

"Angel's house." He replies.

I nod and then furrow my brows. "I have a question."

"Ask away."

"If you guys all went to the same elementary and middle school, then how come you're all at different high schools?"

"Well, for elementary, our parents had all just chosen for us to go there, most of us met there initially and became close over time. For middle school, we didn't want to be separated and it just so happened that the best of them happened to be within manageable distance of all of us. And for high school, it's more of a power balance kind of thing. Because we do live conventionally close together, a two hour drive at most between our homes, but because we have a private school in each of our areas, it was better suited that we go to whichever one was closest to us since our families are the wealthiest."

"But do you not wish that you stayed together?"

"Sometimes. But I guess it was somewhat necessarily. Besides, that didn't stop us from seeing each other and remaining close. Our parents are all friends, too, so we still got to see plenty of each other."

"That's cute. That you all kept your relationship."

He frowns. "It's not cute."

"Of course it is."

"Darling, you're cute. Me and the boys are not cute."

"I'm not cute." My smile dissipates. Why am I always getting called cute? By him, by my family. I cannot understand a single instance where I was cute.

"Yes. You are."

I huff and cross my arms over my chest.

"It's a good thing." He reasons, squeezing my thigh. "It means our babies will be cute."

My mouth drops open. "What?" I practically squeak.

"You heard me." He says. "Though, I guess I will have something to do with that, too. I was a damn adorable baby."

"I can't have your babies." My eyes are wide, my heartbeat feeling like it just went from zero to one hundred.

He turns to me, gleaming gaze locking with mine and says with so much wicked conviction, "You are going to have my babies. And you are going to enjoy every second of making them."

When I thought that I couldn't get any more breathless, those words knock the absolute wind out of me.

I have no doubt that this is only one of many goals that he's hellbent on scoring. Because Darius Ford plays life just like he does a hockey game. With his obsidian eyes always on the prize. He's determined. And he always wins.

"Don't worry." He faces forward again, his lips tipped up in satisfaction. "That'll still be a few years after college. It'll be tricky at first because of our schedules. Me playing and you dancing professionally. But we'll make it work."

Oh. My. God.

My cheeks are so hot I don't even want to imagine what they look like but I don't want to open the window because I just know it would inflate his ego way more than it already is.

Damn him.

"Here." He turns on the music dash and connects the Bluetooth but less than two seconds after the beginning notes of  Bejewelled by none other than Dr Taylor Alison Swift sound from the speakers, he hits the button, switching it off and clearing his throat.

My previous open mouth upturns into a grin, and then I begin to laugh.

"Shut up." He grumbles.

I laugh harder.

"Whatever." He shakes his head. "This suits Luca better anyway." Turning it back on, the music filters into the car but I'm still trying to suppress my unrelenting giggles.

When I finally come down, I glance over to see him watching me with an adoring expression.

"No embarrassment this time?" I ask.

"You've already caught me twice." He sighs. "There's no turning back now."

"You're a Swiftie." I muse, to myself more than him.

"If you tell anyone, I will deny it."

"Oh, I'm sure." Another laugh escapes me.

He keeps staring at me. "If you make that beautiful noise for me again, I'll be whatever you want me to be." He murmurs.


"Your laugh." He clarifies, voice soft, returning his hand to my thigh. Slightly higher than it was previously. "It's the most addictive sound I've ever heard."

The blush returns. And this time, a warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest along with it.

"This is when you say something about my laugh." He raises a brow.

I blink several times before opening my mouth but he just smiles, showing off his perfect teeth. "I'm joking, darling."

"Oh." I say. He redirects his eyes back to the road ahead but I tilt my head when a thought occurs to me. "I do like your laugh. But how come you don't do it very often?" He doesn't laugh like a normal person. He does so more with me than others but when other people are around us, he's not one to join in.

He shrugs. "People just aren't as funny as they think they are, I guess."

"But you always laugh with me, even though I'm not funny."

"That's because I have fun with you. And you are funny, baby. You just don't realise it."

Hm. I don't really understand that. I'm not really the kind of person to joke and be intentionally funny. But I guess it's a good thing, so I take it.

"Okay." I nod and then take his hand from my leg, twining our fingers and leaning my head back to gaze out of the window.



"Alright." He chuckles. "Weirdo."

"Hey!" I let go of his hand but his grip is unyielding.

He lifts out hands to his mouth and kisses the back of mine. "Sorry. Lie back, sweetheart. We still have a while to go."

I obey, leaning back into the seat and returning my watch out of the glass. The evening is creeping into the afternoon sky, darker shades of blue overlapping the light of daytime. The road is quiet, not many cars around, street lamps passing by every three seconds or so.

As my body relaxes, in turn does my hand, my fingers falling comfortably back into the gaps between his. He strokes mine with his thumb, matching each to the beats of my pulse and I can't help but smile.

We fit perfectly.

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